CP Update - Critical Time

Day 1,250, 05:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ireland,

Currently , we find ourselves in a very peculiar situation in which I hope to shed some light on.

When I was running for CP I said I will do what ever it takes to stop the PTO'ers and I kept my word. All players who knew the situation knew that the best thing to do would be to have Ireland dropped to two/one regions and then we use the ATO'ers and out vote any PTO'er trying to get into congress.

I spoke to Jacobi the Canadian CP yesterday and requested that attack us via Shannon and take three regions and eave us with C&K and Dublin. Canada declared us as NE and we did the same to get the extra bonus. I had spoken to Mr Woldy no more than three days ago and he said the UK will not attacking us due much bigger issues at hand. Subsequently the UK congress was unaware of this.

At 5pm Irish time I alerted both EDEN and TERRA officials about our plans and the logistics of the ATO with Canada. It was not an act of war all nations knew what was happening.

The UK congress, listening to the PTO'ers tried to say we declared war on Canada and that they were defending their allies being ignoran to the fact that Canada had NE'ed Ireland first which made the whole arguement void.

Now it would appear Woldy's internet is not working and his MoFA, in Woldy’s absence, started a NE proposal on Ireland. This now means we are stuck with Canada as a Natural Enemy for the next 7 days while we are also the Natural Enemy of the UK allowing them to attack us when ever they choose.

EDEN and TERRA have been made fully aware of the situation and also the fact that this is an act of war against a country in a friendly alliance who were attempting to stop a PTO by UK citizens. The UK knew they had no basis to attack yet did it anyway.

After the NE, the British bought up all the IEP on the market to try stop us getting funds that may be necessary for any resistance wars. This is why I asked Orangejuicemmm the only TD online at the time to propose the issuing of 10K IEP and if not used I will personally buy it back at the same price. The state will lose no money.

TD's and citizens should be aware, any decisions being made by myself are to be followed. I can't plan a defence against the UK when my own congress rejects all my defensive measures. We need all people working together.

All citizens are to move to C&K
All citizens are being supplied moving tickets to move to C&K, Supply Form Everyone request a moving ticket if you haven't got one.

All citizens sub the DoD article so you get updated orders
We as a nation will stand against the UK and their pathetic attacks, we have allied support because everyone knows we did not want this war. Ireland knows that their is bigger fish to fry in the world and stupid damage wasting battles aren't needed, its a pity nobody told the UK congress this.

All citizens are to move to C&K
All citizens are being supplied moving tickets to move to C&K, Supply Form Everyone request a moving ticket if you haven't got one.

All citizens sub the DoD article so you get updated orders
We as a nation will stand against the UK and their pathetic attacks, we have allied support because everyone knows we did not want this war. Ireland knows that their is bigger fish to fry in the world and stupid damage wasting battles aren't needed, its a pity nobody told the UK congress this.

You will all be updated when new changes happen, all citizens move to C&K.

Your President,
Marcus Suridius