CP Update - 1,252

Day 1,252, 07:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Citizens of Ireland,

This is just a short update

The British PTO threat has been ended for the month, this was done all from the original plan we made with the Canadian CP. A good few people helped in this and I want to say first and foremost Jacobi who helped in this, without the support we couldn't have done this.

My military adviser who worked like a mad man throughout all this IrishBhoy1967 once again showed his love for this nation in his constant planning and work in coordinating of the battle and we owe him a lot of thanks.

To the tanks, Ireland owe's you a debt of gratitude and I will always be indebted to you all. I said when I ran for the Presidential elections I will stop the PTO and I have stuck to my word and made tough choices and stayed on here tirelessly planning this and seeing it through. We are Irish and all people should do anything within their power to stop any threat to our nation.

I will be putting out a proper update article later today or tomorrow, there is more planning needed on ending the British wish to attack us and getting our land back and this will also be done very soon.

The NI Issue
Northern Ireland is to be returned to the UK.
It is not our original region and belongs to the UK, they can take it back and we try to move on from here and help our allies who badly need assistance.

Ireland, this is why you choose experience first and foremost when you vote for your president. A person who has being there for the good and bad is the best person to have as your president, experience is essential.

Hail Ireland,

Your President,
Marcus Suridius