CP Rigging Referendums

Day 1,952, 06:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Hello Citizens of eIreland,

I am writing to you today to ask how we allowed a President to run a rigged referendum and why nobody (especially congress members) seems to be asking questions about it .

For some reason an nonexistent alliance was purposefully added to the ballot by the president (or at least encouraged by the president). CUA was the choice added to the ballot when it was not even an alliance, even the British MoFA a few days ago stated that it didn’t exist and im sure others from Columbia, Uruguay and Argentina will confirm that it doesn't and possibly may never exist as an alliance.

Below is an exert said by the British MoFA here
"This all started with the recent decision to start a referendum in Ireland on which the people decided which alliance to join - opting for a cluster of countries in South America which isn't an alliance thus far."

People within the dail have questioned the legality of the referendum for one reason or another,

Sir Adriano says "We just held an election on who to join, and you are suggesting we through that out the window"

Yes we were told we were voting first on what alliance we wanted to join as MUFC stated here “Second question will direct us in which of alliances eIrish people would prefer to be.” but also he stated that he was grouping up different choices like CoT with TWO etc.

Now the first issue here is the fact that under the last constitution we had you aren’t allowed to add options on the ballot which aren’t in existence when the voting is taking place...its just common sense.

The second is that if you are holding a referendum, everyone option is separated. You aren’t allowed to merge options so that it favours your outcome.

So what does the President say when he realized that the election shouldn't be counted?

Now I have seen a number of people saying, this was a vote to decide our FA directions for the term. What kind of government needs to hold elections to decide where to send their MoFA’s?

Another question is, why was two of the judges on who’s votes to count openly for CUA and against CoT and TWO...so much so that they never mentioned once on any update that Ireland was offered a trial membership of CoT along with the US?

Now a few days after this rigged election the CP has got his way, he swayed the voting due to shockingly biased information which is meant to be unbiased....he has now plasted his new update with “IRELAND JOINS THE BROTHERHOOD”

“ I'm pleased to announce that today is a great day for our eCountry, we’re joining the new Brotherhood,”

Now I don’t know about anyone else, tbh I know about congress. All who haved stayed quite on this are selling our nation out, we are joining a South American group...nothing more.

With this cheated referendum our CP has put us again in the line of fire with our neighbours in the UK who we have been getting on with for a good few months, sure our CP hasn’t even been talking with congress let alone our neighbours.

I also want to request a copy of the CUA charter, which if its an alliance like we are told it will have one.

What’s done is done, ah a referendum on what a country should do alliance wide isn't important so lets not discuss it. Mistakes here made, shocking mistakes in this referendum but sure we only voted to join an alliance that doesn't exist its no biggy.

But I forgot this is the President who constantly told congress in January that he made the decision for us to join Asgard, once he decides what is the best choice in his mind, Congress or the peoples opinions don't matter.

Having read the charter it clearly states that CUA isn't an alliance that its a "Block of Mutual Defense and cooperative", it doesn't say a single time on the charter that its an alliance. It was also wrote by MUFC and isn't signed a single time by anyone, now don't you think if this was a legit charter it would have been made by a CP from one of the three nations who started this block?

Thanks for reading,
Marcus Suridius
Soldier of Ireland