Costly Mistakes

Day 1,352, 11:30 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

Hello eAustralia!

So here is the deal. After I was done working and such, I decided to go see how we were doing in the fight for Canterbury and maybe kill a few Kiwis 😛 when I saw this:

I didn’t notice it at first but then after it happened a couple more times I began to worry that I was fighting for the wrong side. I was fighting on the correct side as you can see so…… PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR THE CORRECT SIDE EVERYONE! Let's try not to allow small mistakes like that to cost us.

You may now return to your regular scheduled program…

P.S. I verified that the other player was in fact eAustralian because the flags of Australia and New Zealand are quite similar and I didn't want to look like a bloody idiot when I published this.
