Congress...Should I Run?

Day 469, 08:03 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I mean it, I can't run now. Heck I couldn't even figure out what election months we were in but I might be able to make a contribution. So let me take the next few articles to tell you why I would make a good canidate.
Were going to start off with every politicians favorite subject: Taxes
1. I don't support raising taxes right now and I doubt I ever will.
2. I understand government programs for the citizens but if government needs to balance their budget better and cut out some things I'm all for that.
3. If we are going to be cutting anything though we need to start at the top, the government! Then any wasteful programs, then slowly cut certain military programs if we need it that bad and then wait it out.
Please rea😛
First Issue:
Principle 1:

I am a Conservative
Principle 2:

I am a Citizen First and Foremost
Principle 3: