Congress, Kittens and Hamsters

Day 973, 20:31 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

So I guess here we are for my announcement to run for Congress in PEI. Alot of people might ask who I am. That's jusified because I've just spent most of my time working quietly behind the scenes as a member of the CPF, recently making sure the last party elections went smoothly. Most people don't care about that but it means they had enough confidence in me to endorse me in this race.

Now on to important matters.

I'll shorten this up since there really is no debate about it. There needs to be change made to the constitution and criminal codes. This known, the one thing I bring is attention to detail, even the smallest details. This may not sound like much but in legal terms it means alot.

As I'm sure I've said in the past, the economy will come around once the war module kicks in. I believe this is starting to come about. We can't even kid ourselves that the economy in this game is based around wars. Canada finds itself in a position here. It's great, we have lots of titanium, our economy can prosper, it's bad, people are gonna want our titanium. We must be prepared to defend ourselves with the best weapons we can afford, equip and supply our troops to the outmost of our ability and be ready to defend. If someone takes a liking to our titanium regions I'm not sure hamsters with knives will quite cut it.

I could go on about education, etc. but there really isn't any point as again everyone pretty much agrees on that kind of thing. So lasty all I can say is,

Please feel free to post questions and I'll do my best to answer them in a future article.