Congress election [NG]

Day 1,588, 08:53 Published in Sweden Sweden by C.Nilsson

Hello people, the congress election is over and we can now watch the result of what has happend. The fact is that FBS is this elections vinner with 13 congress member, a good election indeed. For us in NG this is not a day to crack up a bottle wine but we are still standing, and so it will remain!

I have togheter with some active NG members coordinated this election and of course i was hoping for better results but i wish to explain to you what went wrong. It started with the fact that people who were suppose to run for congress in a region for one or another reason the region was changed. The constant war was a contributing factor that made people fear to candidate in some regions who were under constant danger.

I where on IRC with my very loyal and dedicated NG friends and coordinated the votes all day, from 12 AM to 12 PM. The problem was not at all the ammount of voters becuse a very good ammount of NG members pm:d me and asked were and when to vote. The problem was as mentiond the bad placed candidates.

In Gotland NG and FBS both took 4 seats each of 9 possible so in that region it went ok, a tie pretty mutch. In Jamtland NG took 5 seats and FBS took 4 so this far all fine. Now the region that got on my nerv all sunday, Gotaland. The big problem here wasent lack of votes it was lack of candidates. We only had 2 of them and they both got elected with big margins but it was here FBS took home as mutch as 5 seats. The plan was to have 4 official candidates here but circumstances complicated it.

NG is suffering from "big party syndrome" were sideeffects is huge waste of votes on single candidates. I pm the mayority of the party asking them to contact me before voting but as always some dont have time some vote before reading pm etc. My wish is that for next election all NG members send a quick pm to the pp asking were to vote, unless of course you consider a special person really awesome and you want to vote for him/her 😉

What astonish me the most with this election is what happend to FHD. I have since the beggining considerd them to be great vote coordinaters and being really good at morning vote but yesterday something apparently happend. I bring this up since i was thinking about this alot yesterday, as far as i can remember they have only been beaten once in congress election. (counting the lowest ammount of votes needed to get your candidates to congress) And that seems like ages ago.

Well to sum up both NG and FHD had a bad election were NG backed about 8 % and FHD backed 7 %. But we will come back swinging for the next election, and remember we still have the president election to settle the scores 😉

PP for Nationalgardet
Hail NG!