Chance Harrison - Presidential Election Speech

Day 1,321, 07:56 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage

I have to admit economics is not my strong suit. I realize our monetary situation is in dire straits and thankfully I have some great minds in my Cabinet to focus on fixing Ireland's economic standing. Buying products from the Irish Market would go a long way in helping us restore our standing a bit. Getting our regions back would also put us in the right direction as we'd be able to produce more goods and therefore have more to sell and distribute. If you were looking for flashy numbers and a lot of fluff regarding VAT etc.... you're not going to find it.

Now militarily I can tell you I'm of sound mind. What I don't have knowledge of I ask of my advisors to make the proper decision and what I do know I inform them so as to keep them in the loop. Unfortunately our country is currently non-existent in the form of regions and borders. We are owned by the Brits and I intend to change that.

Some may say that I failed as MoD. I can point out the victories as well as defeats but it wouldn't get any of us anywhere. The main point and fact is we are a small nation and we came against a bigger foe in that of the alliance of ONE. The UK did not defeat us solely they have plenty of help from other nations and enemies abroad. Even if it doesn't happen during my term I will do my best to lay the ground work to see it happen. I won't stand for having it not happen during my administration but I can't control every aspect of what it takes to get it done like getting our allies to help.

ONE is running rampant throughout the eWorld and quite simply, even though hard to swallow, Ireland is on the back burner at the moment. As Minister of Defence for the last two terms. I believe I did the best that I could possibly do with what was given. Yes, I made some mistakes and yes I made some correct choices. NO ONE is perfect.

With any nation you need to have solid allies and key contacts in many nations to keep your country current and in the eyes of the rest of the world. Being in a ministerial role I believe I've done so. I've acted as CP, MoFA and MoD all in one on many occasions. I wouldn't say that's a lack of effectiveness on the respective members of the previous Cabinet. I'd say I was just going above and beyond the call of duty. I hope to continue to keep the friends and allies I have developed in my foreign relations attempts and intend to create new ones upon being elected CP. I will do nothing that causes shame upon our nation nor will I do anything to submit to the will of stronger aggressive nations. I will always look to be diplomatic and be ready to compromise where it fits us best.

In regards to our community, Ireland has a plethora of talented individuals. Those who continue to remain in Ireland and those who fight and work abroad for whatever the case may be. I pledge here and now to do my part to get as many new and old citizens to come to Ireland and raise her back up to the standard at which she belongs. Our most recent MoC, Derbrad did an excellent job and hopefully his replacement can fill his shoes with the same tenacity and excitement as he brought to the table. Having more citizens would also help to stabilize our economy and allow us to flourish even farther. I have a hand in recruiting so I will do my best to assist in any way possible in this arena.

Lastly, My Cabinet.

Vice Taoiseach - Irasian
Ministry of Defense - MoD - Seanan
Co-MoD - Patrick O'Leary
Deputy MoD - Ian Passmore
Deputy MoD - D-Glennon

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - MoFA - Fear Malice
Deputy MoFA - Eric Last
Deputy MoFA - xNosferatux

Ministry of Finance - Minister - Sweet Drinker
Deputy Minister - Bhane
Deputy Minister - Ian E. Coleman
Governor of NIB - Sweet Drinker

Ministry of Information - Ian E. Coleman
Ministry of Immigration - John Gormley
Ministry of Community - James Keiller and Anthony Colby
Ministry of New Citizens - Riggy

My Cabinet was chosen based on many factors. I pinged certain individuals to ask their advice on who would best fill certain positions I wanted to change as well as the positions I wanted to keep intact. A few people asked to join my Cabinet and for one reason or another they were not added. I will not give specific reasons for why people were selected or denied just know that I made the best possible choices available to me in the amount of time available to me.

In closing, what I hope to achieve is a solid and stable presidency. I hope to retain the great citizens we have as well and greet new ones with open arms and help them develop and strengthen themselves and they in turn would help our nation to develop and get back to what it once was. Our nation was once whole and I'll do everything in my limited power to see it back on the map once more. My door is always open. I will answer any and all questions to the best of my ability and availability.

Do what's right for this nation!

Elect me Chance Harrison on the 5th of July!

I won't let you down!


Your current Minister of Defence and CP hopeful.

Thank you to the Sons of Eireann, Irish Independent Party, Fenian Brotherhood and Eire Aonair for supporting me in my endeavor.


As ALWAYS a pint for the lads and lasses.