Can you Imagine if...?

Day 1,600, 10:17 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Can you imagine if that really happened? It’s just a poorly edited image from MS Paint of course. You can check for yourself here.

But if it were to actually happen, the United States would be in a very tough spot. This image sums it up perfectly:

What’s the problem with that image? Nothing, really. But, the fact that there is only one viable candidate on the ballot is certainly concerning. This isn’t a criticism of seeker1 she’s one of the strongest people in the country, and a great tank. She’s been in Congress 8 times, and was once the PP of a major party. But if the circumstances arose where Artela needed to be impeached, I can guarantee that one of the arguments against impeachment, would be the viability of the second place candidate. It’s one of the main things to consider, if impeachment is ever on the table.

We’ve had Presidents go inactive in the past. Although the reason for inactivity is not to be criticized, the fact remains that for one month, the United States’ highest elected official was not around. In that month, the second place finisher Claire Littleton, was also largely inactive, and couldn’t be reached. Meaning, that impeaching President Mizu was not a viable option, as handing the keys over to Claire would put the country in an even worse spot.

The most recent President to be impeached, was Emerick, who was impeached for inactivity. He was off in jail, in real life. This month, the country had a very viable 2nd place finisher in Gaius Julius, and because of that, impeachment was the correct course of action.

The point of all this, is that if by some (unlikely) chance, Artela were to go inactive, she probably wouldn’t be impeached. Obviously, more than one person has access to CP accounts all over the world, to think otherwise is naive. And the argument in Congress, would be that having an inactive CP, but still having other active players with account access, is better than the alternative. But if Artela were to be banned, Congress would be forced to impeach. And the incoming President would have a lot of catching up to do, in a very short amount of time. Otherwise, the country would be rudderless.

This month was unique, in that we had the a candidate get kicked off the ballot, leaving the election as a one woman race. But, this possibility always exists, and could certainly happen again. Add in the fact that eRepublik is slowing dying, and activity is down across the board, and we may be faced with a similar scenario in the future.

So what can we do about it?
We can ensure that there is also a well experienced person on the ballot. That (if the need ever arises), can be elevated to the number 2 spot during the voting process. Someone that could fill the shoes of the President easily. Personally, I would propose someone like Dio Publius. The reasoning is simple. He’s almost always the Party President of his own party, meaning that he can always be on the ballot. Even if he has no intention of campaigning, the simple fact that he is on the ballot, and acting as a safeguard against a Presidential Banning would be enough.

If the need ever arose to have a viable 2nd candidate, votes could easily be rallied to push Publius into the second spot, guaranteeing the nation security in case the unthinkable happened.

We need to make this happen, every single month. Our vaunted Democracy can stand having only 4 actual candidates. We need to reserve the final one, for National Security.

It’s certainly something to consider.

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