British Guilt

Day 1,301, 13:33 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage

What is this I don't even....

So apparently not only does eUK not want peace they also don't want to help eFrance as they vehemently claim that they do. After offering Shannon to them in a peace offering we clearly know their intentions. As if they weren't all but crystal clear to begin with.

So began Day 1,301. eIreland's orders were to help eFrance in Lower Normandy but we were called off by their MoD Val Aurora. We then shifted our focus to eGreece with whom we have a MPP and have gotten great help from during this continued aggression by the Brit twits. The battle for Thrace was a priority not only for EDEN but became our priority also after this was discovered.

So while the Brits are occupied with helping Macedonia with wiping eGreece what else is going on? Well we were called off of eGreece as well so we decided to hold fire or help our awesome bros in eCanada. Some of us fought in Alberta and some of us waited, and for good reason.

The end result....

Pretty damning I'd say. So while eUK had a chance to end this conflict and live up to their statements of helping their allies they all but confirmed what we all knew. Silly Brits! Ya big bullies!

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And this.... Om nom nom nom!