Bradley Reala and Angelini for POTUS/VP

Day 862, 22:16 Published in USA USA by Bradley Reala

I'm Running for POTUS

Hey America, I know this may come as a surprise to many of you, honestly it came as a bit of a surprise to me. I'm running for President of the United States. I wasn't expecting to do it before tonight, which is why I haven't written this sooner, but a number of good friends convinced me to throw my hat in the ring.

Angelini For VP!

That's right, the Former General of the Training Corps, Former JCS member, Three Time Congressman, Vice President of the Democratic Republicans, and current Secretary of Defense, has agreed to run along side myself as my VP candidate. Angelini is a great choice for this position as can be seen by her many titles, and vast amounts of experience. I have no doubt that she will make an incredible Vice President, and will be someone I can definitely rely on.

Who are you, and why are you qualified to be President?

I was born in liberated Virginia about six months ago, into a game that was at the peak of it's time. The eUSA was being led back from the brink of destruction by President Emerick and his incredible cabinet. Soon after, I joined the State Department as a grunt, doing the brunt of the labor for the CTF. Due to my hard work I was quickly promoted to Deputy Director of the CTF, and even Director. Then Gaius Julius took over as President and I was appointed Deputy Secretary of State under WahooBob. I worked under two Secretaries of State, wahooBob and Cerb, before stepping up and becoming Secretary of State myself. I have held that position for three months, non-consecutively, and hold it now under President PigInZen. On top of that, I am a four time Senator of Tennessee, and am a Lieutenant Colonel in the National Guard. I've worked with the government for nearly six months, and am one of the leading Cabinet members in the current administration.

Ok, but what do you stand for?


Lets just hit the hot button issue first, shall we? I've been one of the leading voices in taking us out of EDEN. I worked with EDEN, alongside the JCS and President, and am of the opinion that their aims and views are no longer our own. That does not mean that I'm in favor of pissing off some of the best allies a country can have. Before it was EDEN, it was EDEN/Brolliance, and I want to see that again. We won't be two alliances fighting each other, we'll be two alliances working together against a common enemy, Phoenix.

-I will continue to talk to our allies in EDEN, and if EDEN operations coincide with American/Brolliance operations I will not hesitate to send troops. This seems like common sense, but what I'm trying to say is that I will not shy away from EDEN operations just because they're EDEN's.

-I will continue working on expanding the Brolliance to include other bro countries regardless of their affiliation with EDEN. I believe that a strong set of MPPs can be maintained, and built upon. Doing so will allow the eUSA to continue to prepare itself against Phoenix.

-I will work with the JCS to begin working on a Brolliance spearheaded offensive against Phoenix. I do not promise that I will push the button, because I trust in the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and if they believe that there is too much risk, I will heed their warnings. Regardless, though, I will attempt to find outlets for the American people to continue fighting and leveling up.

The Economy

This is another issue that has cropped up over the past few months, and thankfully the situation is improving. I will continue to use and expand "Guns for Huns," as I believe it is an integral part of keeping our civilians active, and keeping our economy chugging along smoothly. I will work with our nation's leading economic minds to encourage and continue our recent economic growth. The eUSA has some of the greatest economic minds in the entire new world, and I will make sure that they have the ability to do what they need to do to keep the economy chugging along.


The dreaded V2. We all know it's coming. If elected I will appoint a Secretary of Defense who will be tasked with researching and studying the new military mechanics to work with the JCS to develop strategies for making the transition as simple as possible. As the month goes on, and we gain more information about V2, we'll be able to make better predictions, and hopefully have a good scenario ready for when V2 hits. I will also task my Secretary of the Treasury with forming a group to assess the effects that the economic overhaul will have. A plan to rent one of Canada's high diamond (which will become high titanium) has been discussed, and I intend to continue discussion into the viability of such a swap.

Cabinet Structure

Over the past few months the eUS Government has become a very large bureaucracy. I believe that Government is one of the best tools of retention in the entire game, save for the military. That said, we've gotten top heavy, and I intend to trim the fat and streamline the top levels of government so that the best and most active people are in a place where they can make decisions. While Secretary of State I pushed recruitment based on talent, regardless of age. In some departments that works, in some it does not. Where it works I will push bringing in players to get them involved, where it does not I will not micro-manage. When it comes to the people I will have in my cabinet, I will trust those people to do the jobs they are given.

I will also push my government to be open. A great idea that PigInZen had was trying to get Departmental "Salons" together. Unfortunately due to the strain of the month this was shuffled to the back burner, but I intend to get my departments talking with the American people, to keep people in the know. It's imperative that we have an educated and informed populace so that when the Phoenix trolls come to our media, our people can stand up and say "here are the facts, GTFO our media!"

Get the Word Out!

I won't beat around the bush, if you support me, please go out and write an article for me. Tell your friends to vote for me. I need you guys to help me make this possible. My running mate, Angelini, and I have been integral parts of the eUS Government for quite some time. We have experience, and we will do what is best for America, but we can only do that if we get your help.

Thank you America! Vote for me!