Bombs Away!, a statement by the Minister of Health

Day 2,354, 14:06 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Xibbard

(English only)

Dear e-rep players, before you begin reading this article, read the following:

I (Xibbard, Minister of Health) hereby officialy resign from my office,
(Reason: after this ''article'' a lot will change for me, they will call me a traitor, a maniac, and many more,)

i have taken the liberty to finaly be able to say:
It was me!, now there were thoughts of a possible ''spy'' withing my goverment,

After the current CP gained power, and when the goverment started talking about attacking norway i knew: i had to do something, so i did,
unfortunately i did not made screens at the time, but i did now,

after i have heared that we were attacking norway i started sending all my food away to my norwegian contact's,
after that, came information, now that norway and allies have succesfully driven the NL back, the goverment is a bit in disarray,

several players have publicly supported norway, in that, they were by the enl gov, called and branded Trators, (screens in my possesion, private goverment forum topic)

i also hereby publicly want to congratulate norway (and allies) on the won battles! GO NORWAY!

now that i have revealed my ''true'' identity i know for sure that the current gov is going to discus this in a private part of our forums:

HOWEVER, i have over 60 screens from the private govermental forums, and goverment mass pm's, so if they try anything (witch i know they will) the screens will be made availible to you, ( i do not have those image hosting sites, so another player needs to publish them, or i can send them trough e-mail)

I want to thank all citizens of the eNl for the awesome time!, but i will move to norway, i will stand for old friendship, a friendship that took years to make, destroyed in seconds by power hungry, forum elite, Govermentals!

Farewell my friends, i will stay until norway accepts my CS request, but after that: some of us will part ways,