Bit of Fun (Haxball league)

Day 1,613, 16:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bean&teddy

Hello again.
Due to being away irl I was unable to get online for the past two weeks so hence the reason I've been inactive, but I'm back and ready to get back to business.

Upon returning I was appointed the new Commander of Labour army. Kurdt has done a great job in both LA and ILP. I wish him the best in his future eLife.

I've been debating whether or not to do this for a while but I've decided it will be a bit of fun. I would like to announce that LA will be running an international MU Haxball League!!

Basically we will be running an haxball league over the next weeks. Its open to everybody anywhere. Make sure to read rules and entry conditions below. There will be great prizes for winning team, top goalscorer, player of the month etc. This is not only a great chance to show off your MUs Haxball skills but also make new friends and have fun.I'm aiming for 10 teams for the first league but if there is sufficient interest I will make another.

I will post weekly updates on the league eg: league table, top goalscorers, stats, fixtures, results etc in this newspaper. Also I will need official referees for the games. Any team that enters a referee will receive an 100 CC discount on the team entry.


1) Any Military Unit may enter no matter what alliance or nationality.
2) To enter a team costs 500 of the local currency (100 per person)
3) Each team must consist of of no more or less than 5 members 3 starting players and 2 subs.
4) pm me here with the name of your MU, team members and any other info you feel is relevant.
5) Any MU may enter more than one team if they have the numbers.
6) the same player may not register for more than one team.

match rules
1) Each team may start with three players each. Subs can be swapped for a starting player during the match.
2) Each match will be played on classic stadium, be five minutes long and have no score limit.
3) Each win will earn a team 3 points
Each draw will earn a team 1 point
Each lose will result in the losing team gaining no pints.
4) If teams are tied on points table placings will be decided on goal difference.
5) If a team are missing players on the day and have below the 3 starting players they may either: forfeit the match in witch it will count as a 3-0 win for the opposition.
play with less players eg: 3 vs 2
or use an external player at the cost of 50 CC to me at the end of the game.

Referring rules

1) referees are to remain a spectator for the duration of the game and are not allowed interfere in play.
2) referees will make sure all necessary rules eg: pitch size, number of players etc. are met
3) referees record results and goal scorers. They then send the information on to me.

Any person/team in breach of the above rules will be subject to punishment by the committee of the league. Eg: points deduction, suspension

All money earned is going to the prizes. I will release the exact prizes after we get enough teams.

Any feedback is hugely appreciated. Also any other rules anyone feels should be put in place feel free to put in the comments.
Please shout vote and share this so other MUs will see it.

Lastly have fun and I hope you's enjoy it.
