Behind the scenes politics - About the elections

Day 2,662, 01:36 Published in Japan Japan by H E X

Hi everyone!

This time I will only speak in my name, about the interesting things happened lately. I do not want to split our community, but the people of Japan should know about it, and the anger in myself makes to write it.

Unfortunately Sinon couldn't agree with TLS and DNP to support him, which wouldn't be a huge problem, because it's their decesion. But they were silent, and didn't bother about telling us anything. First they claimed that they didn't get any positions in the cabinet, which is not true. Sinon explained that TLS & DNP have problems with giving representative in each month, which - let's admit - is true. I won't say all of them are incapable, because I worked with our MoSA from TLS who did a great job.

Sinon offered the MoE position for TLS which seemed like first they will accept, then refused. The reason was that it's not good enough for them, and 'what can they do there?'.

And DNP didn't even bothere to answer.

Obviously they are not telling us something, I really want to know what, because it's a really cheap excuse. Personally I can't imagine anything bad from Sinon, as we know each other almost since I'm here. But if the other parties have evidences against Sinon or his team, then why don't they tell it? Why do they need to wait more?

They criticize Sinon for trying work together with the new part, VAN, maybe this is what they don't like, I don't know.

For now this is everything I know, we will see what happens next. But I won't hide that I'm angry about the other parties' secrecy, and not involving others.
Hopefully in the future we won't lack communication, and moves like this was.

However, I personally don't support this acting behind other people's back, and keep something in secret. I didn't see anything which would broke my trust in Sinon. Based on my experiences, and working with him, I want to encourage you to vote for Sinon!

Best regards,