Asgardian Forces Prepare to Invade, Asteria Pulling the Strings?

Day 2,342, 16:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by K to the izza Mo Fo

Well with some rather nifty moves from N W G and his cabinet they used the art of war to sacrifice a battle but win the war and remove the Pakistani invasion from our close friends and allies Belgium. At the time of writing the war score for the last resistance war for oppressed Belgium lands stands at 63 to 0 in favour of Belgium, Hail Belgium!

However we have to look at the recent unearthing of Pakistani's duplicity in dealing with both our and Belgium's government's in this breaking article. It is obvious that Pakistan wanted a boarder to initiate war with the UK I think but who exactly is pulling there strings? After this attempt failed Norway tabled this motion to congress to label the UK as a NE. They have also been signing multiple MPP's in the last week with the latest one with Argentina still being voted upon.

In my own opinion it is clearly the work of Asteria and with what appears to be two quick attempts at an invasion of our sovereign territories and the amount of resources used for Pakistan's attempt, this can not bode well for the UK.

Could Asteria be making moves against Sirius with the UK as a potential staging ground? And with the imminent release of Cuba is there potential for multiple hostile boarders for the US if the UK where to fall?

All I know is that its time to start stockpiling resources because it looks as is we may have another war on our hands and sooner than we would like!