Art for CP

Day 1,378, 04:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Artaxerxes Pavonis

Well, I've decided to run for CP of Ireland. I'm sorry, I don't know all the fancy Irish words that commonly go into such an article, but, that being sai😛

Firstly, The end to this War would be my first goal. Its sure been a down letter for some folks, even me. War truly is something horrid, even in a game. It divides friendships, and hinders more that can be made. How many of you have eFriends that aren't eIrish? I can tell you I got a ton. Would a war affect such a relationship, it might.

Ending the war, I will do all in my power to keep it that way. Making eIreland a neutral country, just as it should be, just as it has been in the past. Yes, WE have to defend ourselves, and yes, we will help the helpless who seek aid. We will not help Imperialists to gain more land and power. And most important, we will help defend our neighbors, in the view that Ireland may be next.

Constitutional Amendment: Declaring it Illegal in the Highest Degree for any eIrish President to make a Natural Enemy Proposal. The consequence being an immediate Impeachment vote made by Congress.

These will be of the utmost priority, securing Irish Peace.

Art for CP!

Artaxerxes Pavonis