Another random article on the impeachment or something trifling

Day 488, 19:59 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Hi again. Time to take a break from serious stuff and go to something more "trifling"

The president was impeached...


Well. Based on some comments and views by people, I think we can all say that Sam obviously needs to dedicate more time to this place and what goes on. Espescially since he was the prez. I mean come on. Great power and great responsibility and stuff.

So anyway, with that, I'd like to know why Sam here was so careless with his job thing...I mean he should have had time because this game is only played by nerds with no life 😛

ESPESCIALLY if you spend so much time trying to BE PRESIDENT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I dunno if anyone really angry about this whole thing, but I'll tell you I don't like it. Just like I don't like green eggs and ham (I hate new things 😛)

Kidding, I like ham and eggs. I remember when in elementary school we had green eggs and ham. No joke, it was awesome. I enjoyed it.

Anyway, back to the topic. Just letting you know, I forgive Uncle Sam for his trespasses, though I think that we should start asking candidates how much time they spend on the computer and on eRepublik. Make it a HUGE issue so we can have an idea of whether a candidate will be able to be a compassionate president towards the people who will tell them all the good stuff (unless there are spies in our nation *looks around).

I'm a little confused about budgeting, and what all the insider military officials have to say about what happened, but besides that, I'm ok about the battle and what happened. His managing and reliablity to be truthful should be heightened to be a good president though.

And remeber, if you vote me into Congress, I'll certainly help with our nation like building hospitals and stuff. I even said that in my article and if people want more infrastucture and improvement of the homeland I'd vote for it. And tha was in the debate area and other newspapers too. Looks like I made a promise people will like.

Ok. I guess that was semi-serious. I'll make it up to all you care-about-random-stuff-like-me people.

I like the game Civilization (3,4). It is awesomely awesome. Go buy the game and if you don't like it, it's probably because you're not a genius like me who understands everything in the game (in civ 3 anyway). Try harder to play this awesome game! If you don't...

Ok that's it.

Remember, because my writing style here in eRepublik is generally not seen, it is awesome and funny and most importasntly, unique.

So vote, subscribe, and comment. If you don't...

I got to stop with the "If you don't..."s
