American competition "A-Team"

Day 2,001, 14:09 Published in USA Ukraine by Zatey
Hello! This is my first article in eUSA and i hope you will not be too critical of my grammar.
I declare the beginning of a new competition called "A-Team"

All who have American citizenship and are at laest level 27 can take part in the competition. You need to create your own team, consisting of 4 players and apply for the competition at . Each of the players will compete in their specialty during the week and at the end of the competition the three best teams will be rewarded. Every player of the team chooses a role in the competition:

The Hunter is a familiar and famous person in the game, often acting commander of his team. His task is to collect the highest number of medals for his team during the week.
2)Lord of War

Lord of War is a necessary part of the team. He should fight for the biggest damage during the week, this way he can earn points for the team

Killer - the player whose goal is to kill, kill and kill again. The number of victims, not the quality of them is what is important. The winner is determined by the number of fights.

Arnie does not like your strength. You should train every day; the player with the greatest growth in strength gets the highest points for their team.
At the beginning of the competition a table will be created with the points of every team. Players will earn points every day and at the end of the week all points will be calculated and teams will receive their awards. Amount of points that will be earned every day:
1 place - 3 points
2 place - 2 points
3 place - 1 point


1 place - 12 gold
2 place - 8 gold
3 place - 4 gold

Sponsor of the competition is American Freedom AIIiance. If you have a desire to donate money to the competition or if you have any questions, please contact Zatey. Have a nice day 🙂
P.S. Thank you for your votes and shouts)