All is well in eCanada

Day 3,494, 14:57 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

All is going according to plan in Canada. We are getting True Patriot cash galore with our Training War with the Netherlands and our regular Resistance War fights with Serbia and Romania.

Party President elections are just a few days away now and I look forward to having an active person running the CPF again. I hope all is well with Klop in real life but I have grave concerns for him as I don't think he would just walk away from us without a word. If anyone knows him on social media and has news please let us know if he is okay.

On a personal note I hit Level 400. Below is the mission you get at level 400. I just need to hit the training button a couple more times now.

Canada has been very successful and really faces few, if any, outside threats due to our very successful diplomacy over the past year. I imagine this is the longest time span eCanada has ever gone without being wiped.

So Canada enjoy your TP cash and security along with your excellent resource bonus's for all is well in eCanada.

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid