All I hear,

Day 1,702, 17:39 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

(Note: My personal review of what I've seen in the past couple days I've just watched.)

Is excuses and blaming things on other people. I mean really, what's the point of bad-mouthing other people if you're going to do the same things as them? You let bad people into Congress/Leader, you know their personality since you work with them a lot, and you can't even prevent such a simple thing.

eCanada needs to stop sitting on it's ass and letting things be run this way. The moment a dictatorship was introduced, everything just went downhill. First off, you have a drunk guy leading your fellow citizens, who makes a lot of mistakes, and doesn't know the first thing about judging things. He's easily provoked and when things go downhill he blames it on his co-workers.

I'm not going to say, "Oh his friend betrayed him it isn't his fault." But it is, you chose him for whatever reason perhaps you wanted things to go stupid or he was a nice person. It still remains that you put him into a certain degree of power.

Rylde is brash, he gets things done. He makes mistakes most of the time, he's known as a good military leader for the defenses/attacks he's mounted. Yet I just can't trust someone who gets into league with a known troublemaker just for the purpose of creating a dictatorship he can control. Someone who can't take responsibility for his own crew. Someone who can't lead his citizens without resorting to underhand tricks.

PTO'ing, stealing congress member slots, and creating a dictatorship was pretty much the easiest thing you could have done to make people angry.

Fortune Favors the Bold. Good job, Code-Y for apparently sending us into a war with the US. Not that I care it's just you proved that Fortune Favors the bold. You got 50k CC, (A nice amount), and you're kicked out of Rylde's MU.

That's the upside, the only downside is he's banned from Congress for 72 hours.

I'm not even paying attention to the news lately and I have so many things to write about.

So, let's think about who we elect and what we choose to do. I personally rather not have to read these silly CP messages by our self-elected CP.

Although I approve of Sho, just saying.