Albanian Finance Report

Day 1,470, 11:51 Published in Albania Sweden by C.Nilsson
Hello dear Albanians, today i bring you news regarding the latest taxchanges Albania has implemented.

Our president, Napoleon 54 and i have talked about the taxrates and possible impovements. As you may have noticed the changes has now been accepted by the Albanian congress and is now in action. I am very optimistic that these taxchanges will affect us in a positive way i will in this article explain the reason of these new taxrates and in what way they will help us get a stronger economy.

(Picture made by Dante N)

First of is the import taxes thats has been changes from 60 % to 30 %. This is a taxreduction that will make the Albanian market more attractive from the foreign perspective. As we are all aware of there is very little competition amongs companys this is creating high prices. This will to some extend get better when more people gets involved in the market.

Now moving on to income tax, today this is the most important tax who produces the highest income to the Albanian state. Thats why the best move for this country was to raise this tax from 10 % to 15 %. In long term this will give the government a much needed economic boost which can later be used for any numbers of projects that will benefit you.

An estimate of the number of people who daily works in Albania is about 550 people. When i latest checked the average salary was 47 ALL. Out of this will 7.05 ALL will go to the income tax to help us build a strong Albania. The income for the state will be 3877,5 ALL a day. As you probably understand your income tax is vital to make Albania to a stronger nation thats why its so important that you work for an Albanian employer.

Now last but not least the VAT. This tax is important, from all sold goods on the market some money goes to the state. The porblem we are dealing with at the moment is the lack of use in the Albanian market, people simply cant afford to buy food, weapons on the regular market. This is why we made a change in this tax aswell, it used to be 9 % on food and 8 % on weapons, now its 6 % on both.

This tax reduction will make the market more attractive for companys, this will hopefully contribute in making more people intrested in selling goods and therefore making the prices go down. People will also afford do have lower prices due to the fact that less of the profit goes to the state but when more people sell and buy this will still benefit Albania, both the person and the state.

So in conclusion this taxchange will give Albania a improved economy, both for you and the state. So right now there is two things that will strengthen us financialy, people working in Albania despite low salarys and more companys competing with each other. This taxes we have implemented will do just that or at the very least push us in the right direction.

Hail Albania!

Financial organizer