Albanian Battle Orders

Day 1,431, 10:37 Published in USA Albania by Napoleon 54


Sic e dine shumica nga ju ne patem nje training exercise me EDEN dhe resultati ishte shume i mire per te ardhem tone. Ne kete loje Organizimi ne beteja eshte teper i rendesishem per te fituar nje lufte. Nese luftojme se bashku atehere nuk harxhojme kot as shendet as infulence.
Pra, ju lutem sa here te futeni ne erepublik,kontrrolloni gazeten time,sepse do te keni thujse cdo dite betejat ku duhet te luftoni dhe per ndonje orar mbledhje sic beme heren e fundit



As most of you know,we had a training exercise with EDEN some days ago and the result was hopeful for our future. In this game,organization in battles is very important to win a war. If we fight together we can spend our health and damage in a useful way.
So, PLEASE every time that you enter in erepublik,check my newspaper because you will find almost everyday battles where you should fight and any time schedule as we made last time
Thank You

President of eAlbania
Nino54/Napoleon 54