Affirmation of Peace, Part III

Day 1,128, 07:47 Published in Romania Finland by Erwin Schauman

Read the earlier episodes:

Part I - In the Shadow of the Beast:

Part II - Legacy of Power:

Affirmation of Peace, Part III
Theme music:

War on /V/akistan, Day 7
Location: Islamabad, /V/akistan
Journal of Commander Schauman

The filth of /V/akistan washes away...

The strong odor of burning gasoline and gunpowder fills my nostrils as I walk together with my squad in the ruins of what used to be Islamabad, the capital of the /V/aki Empire. Thick, black smoke rising from the burning tanks and houses mercifully veils much of the depressing sight. The sound of assault rifle bursts could still be heard in the more remote parts of the city, but the heaviest fighting has ended as the last remnants of the /V/aki insurgents are rounded up and forced to lay down their weapons.

The war had been won. But the hunt has just began. The inhumane Dioist leadership responsible for the atrocities must be brought to justice and made to pay for their crimes. Direct order from the Allied HQ. Not an easy task. The Dioist have a vast support network consisting of other third world countries, such as the USA. If they managed to escape the destruction of Islamabad, finding them will be difficult.

I adjust the piece of cloth covering my nose and mouth, trying to close the gaps to stop the toxic vapors from reaching my lungs. We dampened the bandannas with our own urine. Old military trick. It works as a nice filter but stinks like a Turkish rodeo. None of us like it, perhaps with the exception of Ghishae. Spying him from the corner of my eye I can see him smiling through the bandanna. Come to think of it, he started to wear urine soaked rags over his face before the war even started...

The smoke-filled streets of Islamabad made advance difficult

”I think we found something!”, we hear a soldier yell from the distance, and began to run towards the direction of the sound.

Reaching the location we see the tall black marble pillars of the Temple of Mèmès, the high temple of the Dioist faith. Now nothing more than a heap of ornate rocks due to the heavy air raids. In front of the ruins two soldiers try to lift the rocks, apparently having uncovered something.

”Sir, sir! Take a look at this!”, one of the soldiers addresses Misho after noticing our arrival, ”We think... we think it might be Dio!”

”It can't be...”, I say in disbelief. The /V/aki leadership must had gone to great lengths to ensure his escape. To find him here, buried in ruins...

We moved closer, not even trying to hide our excitement. Amongst the rocks we see the half uncovered body of a man with dirty, tangled, blond hair, weary eyes, long dark beard, and weak frame. At first we thought the men were mistaken but the Royal Seal on his tunic revealed the undeniable truth: this man was Dio.

”So, this is the face that launched a thousand trolls? I expected more from a self-proclaimed god. This guy is just pitiful!”, Ghishae said in clearly disappointed voice, spitting at the figure.

Look! He's alive!”, yelled one of the soldiers that found him.

True enough. The man was breathing, abide weakly. After a moment of deliberation, Misho turned his gaze to us, the last members of the White Wolf squad. He looked us in the eyes one by one, and we all nodded to him in verification of the agreement we made earlier. Content at our response, Misho turned his attention to the two soldiers that uncovered the body.

”Privates, you saw nothing here today.”, he said in affirmative voice.

”S-sir?”, stuttered one the soldiers.

”You found no one here today, privates! Do I make myself clear or do I have to punish you for insubordination!? Dismissed, soldiers!”, Misho said half yelling to get his point through.

”Yes, sir!”, the two replied in unison and moved rapidly away from the scene, unwilling to get in trouble so late in the war.

After the soldiers had disappeared behind the corner, Misho pulled off the bandanna from around his face and turned to look at the frail body of an ex-god buried in the rubble.

”Nightmares have to come to an end sometime, Dio, my friend...”, he said softly while shoving his urine soaked bandanna in Dio's mouth.

Without having to wait for the command, we started to pile the rocks over his body. The now awakened Dio looked at us in panic, his round, open eyes staring at us as in an attempt to plead for mercy as we buried him alive. Foolish man. He should know mercy does not exist in this land. After all, he was the one who created it.

The muffled screams eventually died out under the pile of stones.

The dawn of a new day drove away the darkness...


Theme music:

”Lets move out”, Misho said after we had finished piling the stones.

Following his orders, we continued our walk towards the city center, and swore to each other never to speak of what had taken place.

After a short walk I noticed that my bootlaces were open. I can't believe we live in the 21st century and no one has invented a better way to tighten shoes...

”You guys go along without me. I'll catch up with you later”, I said to my team mates as I crouched to tie my laces.

As I was tying my laces, I noticed a shadow appear in front of me. Thinking it was one of my squad mates that stayed behind to cover me, I raised my gaze to see who it was and prepared to make a joke about how I was a big boy and could tie my shoelaces without help. But it wasn't my squad mate.

It was a man wearing the black ritual tunic of the Dioist faith. Raising my gaze further I saw the sun tanned, heavily scarred face of a man with eyes that showed only hatred and murderous intent. A man, I once knew in the distant past. It was Porosus, a Norwegian soldier I once had the honor to fight side by side in ages gone before his mysterious disappearance. Some said he had been killed. Some said he had been taken a prisoner. Some said he had lost his mind and wandered away.

Porosus, the mad monk of Dio

The man grinned menacingly as our eyes met. It was too late for me to react to the long, /V/akistani ceremonial sword that he plunged through my chest until the tip came out through my back...

I slowly staggered to my feet, holding to his sword arm with both of my hands and stared in his blue eyes, beholding the madness of a man that had lost his reason to live and had nothing else to lose. I released my grip from the sword with my right hand and reached for my sidearm. After couple of tries I managed to release the safety with my bloodied fingers, and rested the barrel under his chin.

”Be at peace, brother...”, I uttered to him as I pulled the trigger, finally granting him the freedom from the nightmares that haunted his mind.

Our bodies hit the ground at the same time. The sword had scrambled my insides, and I knew this was where the curtains will close for me. With trembling fingers I reached to my front pocket, pulled out a cigarette and placed it between my lips. With my other hand I reached for the zippo, managing to light the stick.

”My wife always told me that these things were going to be the death of me... one more thing for her to nag about...”, I mumbled to myself as I laughed weakly, coughing blood and taking long puffs from the cigarette.

Then... darkness.