AFA Victory: An American Game of Thrones

Day 1,802, 11:36 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan
American Freedom Alliance
American Eagle Division
October 25th marked a great victory for the American Freedom Alliance. We managed to take 19/61 seats in Congress, besting our chief rival the AMP by a considerable margin, as well as winning 30.91% of the overall vote. The AFA has not only established itself as a major power, but as the most influential and powerful player in eUS politics. We are getting ever closer to our goal of ridding the US of tyranny, and removing the usurpers of our nation from the Iron Throne upon which they do not deserve to sit upon. This brings me to our next topic, the current President, or as he should be called, the mad king.

In The eUSA, we play a game of thrones. The day is coming when a wise and just ruler will rise to the Presidency of this mighty nation and make this a country that all true Americans can once again be proud of. Our country has been corrupted by people who are not worthy to rule. They behave in the most abhorrent, un-American manner and not only persecute other Americans and divide our nation, but also damage our reputation and friendships abroad. It is time for this to come to an end. One day soon a leader worthy of being called Mr. President will sit on the Iron Throne of liberty.

Pfeiffer has already chosen Cerb to be the "unity" candidate. You can count on the other parties putting up a show and calling it a "primary" and then nominating one of Pfeiffer's best friends, just as he commands it. Don't expect a Cerb Administration to be any different from a Pfeiffer one. These two are as close as Palestinian Stevens and Pfeiffer and walk in lockstep on all the important matters. Our country can ill afford more of this nonsense.

Under the current Administration, we have made all our former allies hate us, and our new allies think we are led by a village idiot, and you can't blame them. The Poles laugh at Pfeiffer's outrageous ultimatums and demands, and the Brazilians are outraged by his insults and mockery of them. The Spaniards also have growing suspicions. The USA will be lucky if the whole world doesn't want us destroyed soon. While we all appreciate some lulz, the Presidency requires a diplomatic and mature individual, not a big child who has no idea what he is doing, or simple does not care. In his articles he likes to point the finger at everyone but himself. He is not even man enough to admit his own mistakes.

Also, America has been weakened internally as he has taken his radical political agenda to the US Military. He has ordered that all AFA members be given an ultimatum to leave our party or no longer be supplied by the military. So let me get this straight, we are traitors who want to destroy America, but you don't want us follow Defense Department orders to defend America? Does that make sense to anyone?

This is the policy of the current President, and his cronies. Their policy is to distance America from its allies and to divide Americans and weaken its ability to defend itself. They are right about one thing. This country is in danger of being destroyed, but it is by the very people who falsely claim that they are the "good guys" and that anyone opposed to them, chiefly the AFA and its allies are somehow trying to bring down this country. We love this nation, and we will not be silenced. We do what we do and say what we say because we believe it to be true. At the end of the day, this will not just be a victory for the AFA, but it will be a victory for America when it is finally free from thuggery, deceit, and despotism.

AFA! o7