A Question

Day 3,986, 16:03 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Whilst we wait for a TW to magically appear...

Totally unrelated question. Actually 5 questions, 6 with bonus. Given the changes to society such as recreational toking, tolerance for others views not being tolerated (i.e. you only tolerate people who think the same as you), and just general asshattery, please answer the following regarding this video.

1. Should city people stay in the city?
2. Do indigenous people have the right to live how they choose?
3. Should they be forced to live the way you prefer?
4. Why is Burt Reynolds hanging out with nerds?
5. Is Ned Beatty really a pig or does he just play one in the movie?

Bonus points...

Does banjo guy have eyes?

Your Answers

If I'm sufficiently amused rewards shall be given.

Carry on,