A new approach to the issue / Una nova perspectiva

Day 2,583, 10:28 Published in Egypt Poland by Ramon Trias Fargas

Hello everybody!

I'm Ramon Trias Fargas, and starting today I'll be PP for the renamed P.U.J.E. (known as Free Nation's Party until this day). From my new charge it is my firm intention to take action in the further consolidation of a platform from which a new approach to the issue among Catalans and Egyptians can come true. This new project for eEgypt can only be done from a stern conviction and by ensuring our credibility.

I believe that a future eEgypt must have players from both cultures (or from others, or from none) fighting side by side, united, to have fun and defend themselves better from other eStates.

I'd rather not extend this article more than necessary. I'm neither a believer of what Italians say, "if you can't convince them, confuse them (with words)"; nor am I a politician. I'm a soon-to-be lawyer and understand that every word must have a meaning, so (unless much is meant) not that many words are necessary to transmit a message.

A message that is simple, honest and kind-hearted. We must unite, we must be equals, we must cooperate for the sake of our eState. Unity, Justice, eEgypt.

Let's get started.

(I will appreciate all comments answering to this first, introductory article! Vote and Subscribe if you feel like it!)

Hola a tots!

Sóc en Ramon Trias Fargas, i a partir d'avui seré PP del P.U.J.E. (antic Free Nation's Party). Des d'aquest càrrec, és la meva ferma intenció prendre les mesures necessàries per consolidar i fer realitat una plataforma des d'on proposar una nova perspectiva sobre el tema Catalans-Egipcis. Aquest nou projecte per eEgipte només es pot dur a terme des de la tossuda convicció i l'afirmació constant de la nostra credibilitat.

Crec en un futur eEgipte on jugadors de totes dues cultures (o jugadors que no sentin que pertanyen a cap de les dues, o no hi pertanyin en absolut) puguin lluitar junts, units, per divertir-se i per defensar-se millor d'altres eEstats.

Preferiria no extendre'm massa. No crec en allò que diuen els italians de "si no pots convènce'ls, confon-los"; ni sóc realment un polític. Sóc un futur advocat, i per tant entenc que cada paraula utilitzada ha de tenir un significat. Així que, a menys que es vulgui dir una muntanya de coses, normalment no calen massa paraules per transmetre un missatge.

Un missatge que és simple, que és honest i generós. Ens hem d'unir, hem de ser iguals, hem de cooperar per enfortir aquest eEstat de tots. Unitat, Justícia, eEgipte.

Anem per feina.

[Agraïré tot el feedback que vulgueu donar-me sobre aquest primer article introductori! Voteu i subscriviu-vos si voleu! 🙂]