A Fresh Start, and Observing eGermany

Day 496, 17:13 Published in Germany USA by Alex Lawrence

"What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor."

Good Evening

This is my first article, and as such, is prone to be a mess. With that said...

Main Article

It is good to be writing in English again. I have been living in Spain for the past week or so, and my broken Spanish has been the result of many drunken brawls and the damning of several generations of multiple families. My apologies to those that have been afflicted.

Anyways, until recently I have been in the iron business, and wished to provide eGermany with cheap iron from Spain, as well as the eUS. Though this business proved unsuccessful, I have learned a lot about the "eEconomy" and the politics swirling about in Spain and primarily Germany. Having talked with President Isy of Germany several times, I feel I have a basic grasp on what he wishes to attain with his recent swinging of the Austro-German union into ATLANTIS.

Recognizing that the ATLANTIS powers were more than willing to accept eGermany into their collective, and seeing the immense amount of propaganda and bullying going on by PEACE and their proponents from within and without of the country, Isy must have felt compelled to go to ATLANTIS, regardless of the large amount of flak he would receive because of this, from the media especially.

Now this is just my own personal speculation from my few conversations with Isy about business and politics, but that's why you're reading this, for my view 😛.

This will be very beneficial for eGermany in the long run. As it has been postulated in several articles by some of the more prominent writers, ATLANTIS is the stronger alliance, on just about every level, and will continue to grow and overwhelm PEACE. Because Isy has been able to attain alliances with the eUS and eSpain, as well as several other nations, and did it with efficiency and forethought, he has secured his country's existence, at the very least. Though it is not very safe at the moment, what with rampant Resistance Wars raging, like in Salzburg once PEACE recognizes that eGermany can hold its own with support from its allies, they will have to back off and refocus their efforts against Romania, leaving eGermany alone.

In Other News...

The eUS is hosting war games in Baja with strings attached. It has been said by several insiders in Washington that Baja will have to be given back to Mexico within some timeframe, leaving many wondering whether the eUS will try for a covert Operation Bean Cup.

eRomania is currently resting, if that can ever be said of eRomania, from its major battle with Indonesia over West Siberia, and while it's napping, attacking Iran and dealing with some resistance wars.

Prominent leaders in eJapan are crying fraud over some recent actions over the past week to steal money from their treasury. It was claimed the eRomanians did it (the two congress members who voted for the minor TO are claimed to be eRomanian), but this has been denied by just about the entire nation of eRomania.

eGreece has signed an alliance with the eUS, as has eGermany. eGermany has also signed an alliance with eCroatia, also a new member of ATLANTIS.

That's all the news we have for now. Thank you for reading voting and subscribing.

Editor's choice of other reading material:
The Fieldist
The Ottawa Guardian
American Free Press

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