996 Kalashnikov 996

Day 3,172, 02:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

On 15 April 2011 Kalashnikov the newspaper was founded. It was named after the AK47 assault rifle.

More than 5 years on. Kalashnikov is still at the forefront of e-news.

Through the years it featured many stories about eEvents updates and the players.

Players featured includes: Irishbhoy1967 , Sluagh, Don Croata, Nogin the Nog, Nyx Lynx, Cry of the Banshee.

It probably did more than 30 musical editions and covered probably around 200 elections.

If we go back in time through all of its issues we can see how eRepublik has changed

Issue 1: AK47 here I simply started the newspaper but at that point did not know enough to address any real issues.


Issue 1000 [sorry but nobody guessed that I would reach 1000 editions in 4 articles. So no prize)

Yes Kalashnikov will be the first player newspaper to reach 1000 editions.(me thinks)

It will be joined in the 1000 club by NO Carrier that publishes a newspaper in Bulgaria in about 14 t 15 days. He does 1 article per day.

I have searched far and wide if indeed there is another 1000 edition newspaper . Congratz.

I am of course not referring to state run newspapers. The USA DOD newspaper runs past the 1500th edition about.

I never bought any subscribers so all my 226 subscribers is people that wanted to read my newspaper.