4 Weddings and a Funeral :)

Day 747, 01:05 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Recently there has been a of activity around our nation (and the world) and this has led to some happy "weddings" but there is also an obituary I need to put in which I shall do at the end.


1. Canada and India MPP...I guess this was bound to happen, given our mutual love and respect 🙂
2. Spain and India MPP : Another positive step in helping bolster our defence.
3. Indonesian NAP : Been in the works since a while and finally agreed to yesterday...it is vital to ensuring our sovereignty on the eastern front.
4. Poland and India MPP? Likely to be our fourth wedding or perhaps Romania...
So...lots for eIndia to look forward to!


For now, I only speak on a personal basis...recent events have changed things a lot but I speak only for myself. Today marks the funeral of the old Ashwamedh, the one who spent more than 2 months advocating the nation and desperately trying to make sure India works together and stays secure by parleying internationally...the one who tried to nip MAFIA and Balash's intentions...not once, but twice, DEFINITELY the one who spent hours trying to be too serious!
The MoFA is now dead and I am confident a new and better MoFA will take his place.
R.I.P. my friend...may someone else carry this cross now. (wish you luck!)

With every death comes rebirth (the Buddhist kaalchakra), and this time I have been reborn, determined to enjoy the game and relax. No more politics, arguments... have nothing derisive against anybody, I am just gonna enjoy being free to do as I like 🙂

On my first day as the "reborn" me, I shall...

1. Not quit congress but will vote as per Govt. instructions till the end of my term and be a responsible congressman.
2. Always help eindia where needed but not in any official position and not as obsessively as before.
3. Always help new eIndians in any way and form possible with whatever help they need but not in an official capacity.
4. Join AHF as their official Asia spokesman the moment my congress term is over.
5. Travel extensively and enjoy fighting any and everywhere 🙂 Available for battle to any and everyone soon as I become an armoured vehicle (heh...thats half a tank lol)
6. Focus on my newspaper intensely...have neglected it too much 🙂 .. (my next article will also be macabre, about some obituaries...lol... theme for this week = Gothic)

Finally, Congratulations to Arjaa Aine for winning the Presidential elections and wish him the very best for eIndia's sake. I also wish him the best of luck with making Ministries and Ministers that seemingly do not exist in eIndia (Moredan, take a bow rofl... maybe you might teach us eIndians how to make ministries)

thank you eindia 🙂 Always a pleasure!