3 ideas, 2nd part

Day 4,768, 11:07 Published in Portugal Portugal by Sucateir0


Today I'm writing to continue with some ideas that I gave last week. I got great feedback so let's continue with more.


A few months ago, Plato and his admin masters made a change to the battles. Not directly but they added a map.

Using this map comes the idea itself. Let's imagine in the center there's a white board. Everyone begins there at the start of a round. Players must travel to get to different divisions of the battle, with all players being able to do so. This means, all players can fight in all divisions, even without a Maverick pack. Once a round begins a player starts outside the map, with the possibility of choosing any division of his liking and travelling there instantly.
To travel between other divisions however there will be some cost (time). Here we have two different scenarios:

4.1 - The time to travel between divisions depends on how many regions a player needs to cross. Let us say the player is in division I, grid B3. He wishes to fight in division III, grid B2. As division I and division III border each other there is only the need to cross 1 border. After 15 minutes for some reason the need arises to fight in division IV, which is in grid C2. To get there the player needs to cross through borders (from B2 to C1 and from C1 to C2).
The time spent to travel through borders would be fixed, for example to 20 seconds. This time would be halved if the travel starts from the Whitezone. Which means, in the examples above, switching from division I to division III would take 20 seconds, while switching from division III to division IV would be 40 seconds. To get from division IV to division II the player would have two options: either direct travel to division II, requiring the crossing of 5 borders - which would take 5 x 20 = 100 seconds - or travel from division IV to the Whitezone, requiring the crossing of 3 borders - 3 x 20 = 60 seconds - and from there on crossing 2 borders to get from the Whitezone to division II, requiring the crossing of 2 borders - 2 x 10 = 20 seconds (remember, starting the travel from the Whitezone halves the time needed to cross each border).

4.2 - In the second possibility the time needed to travel between regions would not depend on the borders needed to cross, but rather on the grid position-ID. Switching letters would take 10 seconds each letter, whilst switching numbers would take 5 seconds. Taking image above into consideration, to get from division I to division III the player must go from B3 to B2. The letter is the same, so no change there. The number changes in 1. So the time needed would be 10 x 0 + 5 x 1 = 5 seconds. To travel from division III to division IV the player would move from B2 to C2, 1 letter, 0 numbers, thus 10 x 1 + 5 x 0 = 10 seconds. If the player would now like to fight in division II, he’d travel from C2 to H4, 4 letters and 2 numbers, meaning, 4 x 10 + 2 x 5 = 50 seconds.

To add to this idea, I'd suggest also implementing what air battles had some time ago. 3 sectors when it's time for the air round, divided across that map and taking the same time to cross each region

I understand freely switching divisions would remove some of the use of Maverick, which is an issue that can be solved. Maverick pack would reduce all travelling time in half, and give the players the possibility of instant travel at a cost of 50 cc for each second. Evidently all these numbers are mere suggestions, and can freely be adapted to whatever would be considered more appropriate.

This would greatly improve the need for strategy and coordination that this game sometimes lacks. Players would no longer be able to “blindly” switch divisions whenever they feel like doing so, but would rather have to coordinate between them, especially during heavy fights, as switching divisions may be costly, either from a monetary or time perspective.

I believe this would be a great addition to the game. Even if not implemented as a permanent feature, a week (or month) long event with this campaign dynamic would be very interesting, and definitely fun.


Nowadays allies can only really help each other with a direct attack, or in air battles. I understand air will be the future since there’s no perception (and thank you for not implementing it as yet, it will create the same gap as we now have in ground battles). This idea is to help the ground players to help their allies, and hopefully create again a leaderboard filled with different flags with people from an entire alliance fighting together in the same battle.

The idea is, simply put, Legends for MPP allies. As of now Legend for your country gives you up to 200% extra firepower for your country only, which - as we all know - makes fighting for allies in ground battles obsolete, as you deal a lot less damage. This suggestion would, hopefully, solve some of these issues.
There’d be a secondary ground battle rank. You would start off as Titan 3, or the rank you have in your country (whichever is lower), and will increase it by fighting for countries you have an MPP with. These legend ranks would also go up to Legend 20, with each of them giving you a 7,5% bonus to your hit.

Example: Let's say SERBIA is at war with CROATIA, BULGARIA is ready to help SERBIA, and HUNGARY is ready to help CROATIA. SERB asks for BG MPP and CRO asks for HUN MPP. The players that already have Legend for ally will have that 7,5% per Legen added to their hit, once the MPP is active, and only whilst it remains active. To gain MPP Legends players will, as logic dictates, need to fight for countries they have an active MPP with.

IDEA 5.1:

If above is implemented, I would suggest a True MPP Medal is implemented as well. It would work the same as the normal TP medal, but instead of it being for one's own country it’d be for damage dealt for allies. This would reward players in fighting for their countries allies, and help in increasing the aid allies provide each other.

IDEA 6: AIR STRIKES and not GROUND strikes.

Last, but not least, airstrikes. As the name suggests, it is an air battle. However, as of now they work exactly like any other campaign, with 3 ground battles, 1 air battle, 3 ground battles, and so on. An airstrike of which 75% is disputed on the ground.

My suggestion would be to change the campaign dynamic of airstrikes. Instead of being 3 ground and 1 air round they’d instead have 1 ground, 2 air, 1 ground, and so on, rounds. This way a greater portion of an airstrike is disputed in the air.

To avoid the battles becoming too short this way, I would suggest reducing the points a won air round gives from 22 to 11, with it giving 22 if epic (only for airstrikes, no change during other campaigns!).

As Airstrikes can only be sent every 15 days, its name will have meaning, with them being fought mostly in air battles, allowing countries to get to any place on the entire globe. This couples with the idea 4 - and with air sectors - would also greatly increase the strategy and time management to be the best and win

Take some good read about these ideas, think about them, comment and share your opinion. Read my last article for ideas 1-3, they are quite good too 🙂

Kisses from an erep lover and his little sidekick
Sucateir0 and a friend