2:30 in the morning, another article before I call it a night.

Day 1,404, 23:28 Published in USA USA by Deificus

So here I am, wondering upon exactly what I should write to you all so late at night. I was working on the final touches of a PM campaign to my constituents when and expecting I would head off to bed when my IRC client starts flipping out on me. Windows sounds and flashing lights everywhere... it was chaos, and it was not a good hour for such a thing. I mean, there rarely is a good hour for such a thing, but in the early hours of the morning -- or late hours of the night, depending strictly upon how you see it -- is never the time for it.

I go to check my IRC client to make sure everything is okay, to see if I'm still connected for that matter. Lo and behold, I see my name going up like flares off of a sinking Titanic: It's Pizza The Hut, on the Libertarian channel for whatever reason, and he's spewing hatred for myself and anyone with whom I associate on IRC.

The first highlight I received was a reference that suggested I am like the "Khalid Sheikh Mohammad" and that he will not stop in his relentless pursuits until I have been utterly destroyed. I haven't entirely gotten the order of events figured out yet. Somewhere in there is a ????, but I'm not entirely sure there's a PROFIT. Maybe he can prove me wrong though, that one theory of the Internets has proven unstoppable in the years I've been on here though... would really hate to see that one go down in flames.

After the suggestion that I might somehow be the epitome of evil, taking a few minutes to attack my unwavering faith and calling me a hypocrite once or twice, PTH expanded upon the many great deeds he has done for this nation... topics which include working with nations who are diametrically opposed to American and its allies -- Hungarians and Serbians -- to bring about political chaos and interrupt the great success of America.

At long last, his commentary dwindled into topics that included how certain races are of a higher evolutionary status than others and explanations as to how the chickens ended up in America. Needless to say, as he expected a kickban within seconds from his enraged hostility, he departed with a quick reminder to all that I was going down.

So let's bring this all around to what I need from you. Pizza The Hut has made no bones about it, he's going to put the focus of all his voting assets squarely on me; yesterday, it was still in the air... today, it's real and it's on: Tomorrow, I will be the target. To have any chance at winning my election tomorrow, I'm going to need your help... I'm running under the United States Workers Party and will need your vote in Iowa. If you need money to move to Iowa, let me know and I will make it happen.

I expect to be on IRC all day, and most of the time you should be able to contact me -- I'll be in and out several times over the course of the day, but I don't expect I will be out of the house much after 11:00 server time (after RL church service). You can find me at #deificus on the Rizon IRC Network (that's irc.rizon.net, port: 6667 if you're still kind of new). If it looks like I've got enough support, I'll be working with others to be sure that your vote goes somewhere that can still make a difference.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, and with good fortune... perhaps I'll be your Iowa congressman.

- Deificus