[USWP] Interview with WildOwl

Day 2,103, 21:22 Published in USA USA by irule777

Interview with WILD OWL!

A few days ago I had the privilege of sitting down with USWP Party President, WildOwl. After casually discussing the party, I moved right into doing an interview with him.

1. As the returning PP of USWP, what do you believe most needs to be changed in the party and what are you going to do about it?

WildOwl: I think that while the USWP has enjoyed success both in the Executive and the Legislative level with our older crop of players, we need to train more players to be at that standard and to be ready and able to serve in National Cabinets. This term will be about promoting newer players and giving them a shot at excellence. I'm sure that quite a few will make the cut.

2. What do you plan to do differently from your first term as Party President to increase this month's awesomeness?

WildOwl: While I was able to activate some of our member base on the forums and on IRC, this month I'd like to really expand and grow that memberbase. This is something that we tried last month too and were mildly successful. However,this month the focus will definitely be on boosting the ranks of our party and broadening the pool from where we select our best to lead the party and our country.

(Wild Owl soaring through the sky)

3. Who is the sexiest former PP of USWP?

WildOwl: Inwegen.

4. Is there any major differences to your party cabinet or party staff this month?

WildOwl: Yes. I believe in adaptability and change to get the most of my team so that they can serve the party to the max. As we lose players to inactivity/burnout it is best to replace them with the brightest ones who're coming up. Thats what I've done with my cabinet. Expect to see a few new faces in the cabinet as well as some old fags.

5. Are you proud and horny?!!!!!!

WildOwl: No. I'm a Zombie, precise and methodical.

6. You're also a former Secretary of Education, how do some of theskills used there translate to being PP?

WildOwl: Working as SoE helped me grasp a lot of the problems and queries that newer players face in eRepublik. I'm able to use that to my advantage, as I try to help out young Zombies on a daily basis. Some older players tend to forget e-baby problems, and the trials and tribulations as they face as they make their way up. I'm not one of those players.

7. What's your favorite thing about USWP?

WildOwl: The community and the unity that we exhibit as a group of players is unparalleled in eUSA politics. While other parties tend to have internal spats and obvious power plays being made, we as a party have none of that nonsense.

Special Thanks to Wild Owl for taking time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with me!

USWP Media Director, United States Secretary of the Interior