[USA] Vote smart, vote Civil Anarchy!

Day 896, 07:15 Published in USA Argentina by Gessho

Harrison Richardson says we should elect him because he has experience in governing the eUS. He thinks that more of the same is exactly what we need.

Full disclosure: I work for two branches of the government: State Department and Congress. While I’m no longer a senator, my position with Immigration Enforcement falls under the purview of Congress. I’ve seen four different presidencies in my eLife, and I can honestly say that for four months, it has been nothing but “more of the same”. The same small pool of people inhabit the President’s Cabinet; the same small pool of people inject their ideas into our government; the same small pool of people have given us this stagnant, motionless feeling we’ve had over the past few months. It seems to me that this same small pool of people is choking the fun out of our country.

Harrison Richardson would have you think that what we need is another month of this. These same people—the same ones we’ve had for months—these are the people to lead us to greatness? HR himself believes that the presidential candidate field is weak—after all, that’s why he’s running. Is this what you want from your president, America—someone who ran because he thought the competition was weak and he could scoop up an easy victory?

I want to introduce you to another candidate. Have you ever heard of Civil Anarchy? Have you read any of his articles? You should. He’s got some big ideas. Take, for instance, his idea to cast out the same old rascals to bring some new blood into the government. I think it’s a fantastic idea. Let’s get a cabinet that still remembers the way it tastes to be a New Citizen!

Civil Anarchy also has some other excellent ideas. What about holidays? Sure, we have Banhammer Day, but that’s not widely celebrated. Imagine a day designated for as many eUS citizens as possible to flood PENIX chans on IRC. Hundreds of tr0lls overflowing the op's ability to ban! It would be glorious! Some of his other holiday ideas: tax-free day, troll Penix media day, and RL day (where newspapers write an article about real life).

I think you should seriously consider voting for Civil Anarchy on the 5th of May. Vote for innovation, for young blood, for a fresh look at all of the problems facing the eUS today.

Vote smart, vote Civil Anarchy!



Catch up with me on Gesshorium!
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