[UPDATED] USA MPP Rejected...what now?

Day 744, 08:02 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr
___________________UPDATE ___________________

We will soon be having approved MPPs with Spain and Canada for which we are immensely thankful to both nations. Canada has been one of our best friends, who has consistently helped us through times of need. (unfortunate we can barely offer anything in return) Spain have also been very kind and have decided to support us despite themselves being involved in a battle against France which is simply fantastic! With these 2 MPPs, our citizens can feel reassured that our nation will be able to withstand any attacks by hostile nations that seek to obliterate us at any cost.

The USA have decided to go against the MPP but they have explained their reasons very graciously. It is very obvious that with the new alliance - PHOENIX - new fronts are likely to open up with powerful nations opposing the USA and they will be quite busy repelling dangers to their own homeland. We know they are our friends and support us ideologically for which they shall have our gratitude.


(previous article deleted as it is irrelevant)