[Updated] USA MPP and Current Affairs

Day 743, 05:23 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr
[ *** UPDATE *** ]

The MPP proposal has been rejected in the USA (although there are still a few hours, the votes have been cast) The voting was close : 30 : 22, so the congressmen are sympathetic to India but unfortunately the MPP does not fall in the realms of feasibility for the USA as per their future plans.
At the moment I cannot divulge further details on why it was not approved until I have discussed with the Congress and seniors as to whether this is to stay in "need to know" status or if it is to be made public.
For now, the most important issue facing india is to decide on an MPP asap and we would be going for the decision today itself.

Original Article below -

Dear citizens,

Since many have been requesting someone to have weekly updates on what is happening round the world, and having seen the lack of information available (and volunteers) I will try and publish one article weekly on Monday which will cover a round up of events and a analysis on where things are likely to go. Today i will just give this a bit of an inaugural flavour with putting in some important short updates. I will however begin with the USA MPP

1. USA MPP :

We have been looking at proposing the MPP with the USA since the last couple of days and finally we have asked for it to go ahead. (AHF stole a march on me and posted the article in the USA whilst I was away with RL work lol)
This is the why behind it :

MAFIA are looking to get their President in is very obvious. What's more painful is that they might actually succeed! which will be disaster. The MAFIA president cannot be impeached till the 9th which gives him enough time to do mischief. This is actually very serious as MAFIA are trying to manipulate India and destroy us and I am not sure the Iranian gov is going to be able to stop them...nothing we can do now except prepare to go on the offensive for the fallout.

How do 100 men go up against a nation of 4000 active men? (Iran estimated) Simple, by having as our allies a formidable nation, who has always said it would back us up.

When MAFIA president comes to power, he will declare war against Iran and Iran will try to come in streaming and take our regions out. By MPP-ing with the USA, we are providing a deterrent to try and keep Iran at bay as once they attack us, they will have given the USA an open war which america can utilise at any time.

Even if we lose our regions, we will have our final bastion, which they cannot take and from there we shall lead the resurrection with USA and our allies. It is also possible that Iran shows its good faith and refuses to attack us, thus proving their gov is against MAFIA, but I doubt that is likely to happen.

SO please vote YES for USA MPP!!!

2. What was this RW deal all about?

NEC the Iran president has been a very good president and has kept his word. He came to us for negotiation as he had promised and after a fair amount of haggling, we settled on a final deal. However just when I was to make it public, we were asked to deposit the gold with Indonesia (acting as mediator) in advance. We were considering this new request as it was sudden and we needed to know the reason for the sudden change. This resulted in RWs being delayed from the original starting date on Saturday (if the deal had been agreed) Also, at this point, it was clear that RWs would not begin until and unless we had deposited the gold.
India woke up on Monday to find RWs had been started in the 2 regions by an Iranian congressman without Indian knowledge or assent and India getting flamed everywhere for not keeping their word. (This citizen - werewolf687 is a MAFIA member btw.)
It is clear that MAFIA do not want peace between our nations and it is they who are making India and Iran enemies. Any accusation hurled at us for derailing negotiations is false and those who entertain it are doing it for vested interests.
If India and Iran go to full scale war, it will be thanks to MAFIA and if a nation could not control its own from destroying another nation, then unfortunately it will also eventuallly get swallowed. We would still welcome such good gents like NEC and Musketeer who have tried their very best and it saddens me to see the result...all for naught.

3. Why is Malaysia so important?

Malaysia holds the key to Indonesia and karnataka. the allies have been looking to try and use Malaysia to land swap with us and get to karnataka and Indonesia but this has been gently and firmly refused as this would mean us allowing our land to be used for foreign invasions. We cannot hold karnataka with such few citizens and a victory for a day is meaningless, so it makes no fiscal sense either. We request the allies to respect our neutrality as there is nothing worse than being a turncoat. the present government believes that we should live by our principles and die by them but to not get subverted.

4. How about the rest of the world wars?

In Europe, the allies still rule the roost with Croatia holding strong and the former PEACE nations are as always looking for ways to break them. france is not PEACE anymore and could be the next target for Indonesia. however unlike us, France are a big nation and can take good care of themselves! 🙂

5. Other news about Asia?

Just that Pakistan is also in the same sorry state that we are in and could get taken over by MAFIA too. 🙂 Welcome to the brave new eWorld! 🙂

thats about it for now...shoot me any queries anytime! I might not get time for updates but please cut me some slack and be informal for a change..pm me, msn me, whatever and ask me anything u like.

As they say...Don't get mad, get even! 😉

signing out!