[TUP] Let's Try Again You Swine

Day 2,763, 05:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

I've been thinking about what to write in this article.

I've been stuck for new things to say so I went and had a look at the first ever article I wrote about wanting to be Party President of TUP many years ago (you can have a look too if you like).

Back then I called the party "progressive" and "collaborative". Recently we've been neither. We don't do a lot any more. I want to try and reverse that by going back to what we once did.

I know you're not supposed to go back, it doesn't always work out.

I'm not daft, we're never going to be what lies in the past but I do feel we can learn from what we used to do and maybe pinch a few old ideas.

So here are my ideas...

1. Look after our members. I want to provide help, food, weapons and guidance to any party member that is need of it. To do this I'd want to set up a fund that can be maintained by the party which will be held by our members and used as and when needed. Yes we have a national NHS but it'd be nice to give those in need a little extra.

2. It's good to talk. We need to talk more and in order to sort that out I'll be starting a fortnightly news letter that will be sent out to all members. This will detail what's going on and how people can get involved.

3. Sharing the burden. We don't work hard enough, so I'll be looking for help and defining roles within the party. If people want to help steer the party then they will have to work. I said it's good to talk but we also need to do stuff and follow up on our words.

4. FUN. We're going to get silly if I win. I want to cast off our geography teacher look and encourage us all to embrace our inner clown. In order to achieve this I have been taking secret silly classes with Horice.

5. Destroy the right. Now as well as getting a little silly I'd also like us to crush/decimate/annihilate all right wing parties. In order to do this I'll be making every effort to reach out to all the eWorld lefties in this country to try and build a Leftist Part Alliance.

It's not earth shattering. It's not going to reinvent the wheel but we need to start somewhere. I also have one other small goal I'd like to achieve this month. One of our best loved members has been missing in action for a long time. I want to bring him home.

We're coming for you HRH.

It's just a little of what I want to do and I hope we can have a lovely month together. BARK.

In my last article I ran a competition. The entry has been judged and the sole entrant is the winner. Well done Dougal you get the money and as promised I will now pin your picture up on the party fridge in memory of VoodooMike.

Love & Hughes
