✯ ✯ ✯ True power of USA ✯ ✯ ✯

Day 862, 05:06 Published in USA Lithuania by Titless fairy

Without weapons

- Columns are: Rank, number of citizens with particular rank, and damage which they can commit without weapons. In analysis is taken only citizens which have wellness more then or equal 40%. Means people which can strike at least once.

- Calculations are made from database and as argument is taken real wellness which have each particular citizen. Some can strike 5 times, some less then 5 times. All is dependent of their current wellness.

- This table and pie contains only people which are currently in US and have US citizenship.

- From table and pie You can see how majority is important. Generals make majority of damage, then fallows Colonels and then Field Marshals.

- Number of citizens capable to fight at least once 12623. Damage committed 1010369 damage. Only citizens which are currently in USA.

- Emigration (US citizens which are currently out from USA) can make 91004 damage.

- Immigration (citizens which are currently in US and haven't US citizenship) can make 333677 damage. Interesting is that immigration can made more damage then emigration.

- Good thing is that USA have about 6000 privates over 40 % wellness! Which should be more active and then US power will be bigger a lot.

- All together US without weapons at all can made 1435050 damage.

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With Q1 weapons

- Number of citizens capable to fight at least once 12623. Damage committed 2016954 damage. Only citizens which are currently in USA.

- Pie distribution remain the same.

- Emigration (US citizens which are currently out from USA) can make 181941 damage.

- Immigration (citizens which are currently in US and haven't US citizenship) can make 666985 damage. Interesting is that immigration can made more damage then emigration.

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With Q1 weapons - all together

- In case of defending own soil, US can commit 2865880 damage in case when all citizens will use Q1 weapons.

- In two days US all together can do 5731760 damage.

- US have strong experienced immigration which make this pie some how different. So, now Generals made majority of damage, then fallow Field Marshals which are less numbered but in this relations they clinched on second best damage committed.

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The same article about Croatia real power, analyze it, and compare data.

The same article about Serbia real power, analyze it, and compare data.

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