'There is no secret formula to win a war'.

Day 2,752, 23:15 Published in Netherlands Germany by BaronVanZon

I meet jordic early in the morning, over a breakfast of pancakes and stroopwafelvla. Why? Because we can! As the black coffee kicks in and starts working its' magic, I sharpen my pen and ready my questions for the second presidential candidate.

A fine morning to you, jordic. Now, when I read your campaign material so far, you are clear we need to be liberated from Germany. Yet, you do seem to hesitate by what means: war or diplomacy. What would be the ideal solution for you concerning the German conflict?

There's no secret formula to win a war, you have to combine both war and diplomacy, I always prefer to speek, but before having a good deal we need to demonstrate we are able to face them. I would also use diplomacy to get some firepower around the world, it's always better to fight with our allies and friends than alone, and if you want people to fight with you, you have to be diplomatic and help them also.

You clearly stated the number one priority of your MoD will be to win the war with Germany. We are well on our way already. What will your other priorities be, since it is possible we are free soon?

I don't see that clear that all the work is done, we are releasing our regions, but it's more than possible that they will attack again. In case this gov could solve the situation and we don't need to fight with Germany, our priority will be to help our allies.

I already said that my first intention was to sign again the MPPs with Hungary and the US, I still think the same, and if we don't have real wars, better for us, we will be helping them and our other allies.

You promise stability, but also fun. You mention games and articles, but could you give us an example of how you will try to achieve this?

I will probably be focused on the war with Germany, but I have an active team in MoRCandC. I want to them to work on the university project as I think it will be great for our community to teach the new players and probably we will make some kind of game or contest which I have not prepared yet.

In the race for presidency, there are two candidates this month. Anything you would like to say to your opponent?

I know Tonie and I know he would do a great job in the position, I hope the best of lucks for him.

To end, a scoop perhaps? You mentioned a mystery ministry that smell good. Care to shed some more light on that, for our readers?

It's surprise if you are new, but everyone knows what is it about xD It's the pancake ministery, with Arcanic as minister, is just to have fun and laugh a little

Thank you for this interview.


Baron Van Zon
Your Chief editor