[SPA-MoFA] Thank you!

Day 810, 14:10 Published in Norway Spain by Ministerio de Asuntos Exterior
http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/4803/iamgelulz1.jpg" />

Upper Normandy is being overrun by enemy forces, occupation is imminent.

As a government of eSpain we would like to congratulate for your help during the war against eFrance and her allies. That military campaign was revenge for events during World War III, when eFrance conquered eSpain and one of the most important regions in EDEN, Asturias.War that lasted over 66 days, and began at 3rd December 2009 has just finished few minutes after 8PM ! We proved that some things might be scheduled for another moment - like operation French Toast. Using small baby (😁 footsteps we are doing a lot what few months ago was impossible - Liaoning, Karnataka, Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria and now France ! In the name of whole eSpain we want to say you simple thank you for war efforts during very long military campaign.

Countries shot by EDEN:
- Slovenia (why did they attack Croatia ?)
- Germany (another little step to punish United Kingdom)
- France (Operation French Toast 2.0, with small delay)

President of eSpain Carl Friederich Gauss
MoFA Martinoz
vMoFA Pepu
vMoFA Javier Dinozzo

Junior, you are next !