[RL/US] The Greatest Generation

Day 2,146, 10:40 Published in Switzerland Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Serious shit today regarding infringement of Grandpa's liberty. I cannot believe this is happening in the United States of America (the real one, not pretend crap). Telling 90 year old WWII veterans they are not welcome at the war memorial that honors their comrades is insane. This goes beyond any inter party bitches or political wrangling. If you post something to the effect of "It's only because the Republicans yada, yada!" or "It's them blankety blank Democrats!" I will report you to admin myself.

I don't care to discuss your political view of health care or any government shut down. What I care about is the disrespect shown to the men who fought and gave their all to protect your asses from Totalitarianism. (For those unaware World War II does not compare to any wars that happened in the last 70 years, this one was for keeps, all or nothing.) I do not blame the Park Rangers, I look to a deceitful government that would spend more money to close the Capitol Mall than it costs to keep it open just so they could piss people off. WELL IT WORKED! I AM PISSED! Just not at who they want me to be pissed at. Congress voted one thing, the implementation was handled on a whole different level. Like I said, it cost more for them to put up barriers and bring in more Park Ranger than normal to keep people out than to just run the mall the normal way.

Some Pics

The original flag raising on Iwo Jima.

Wounded on Omaha Beach.

You look into this kids face and tell him that (assuming he survived) your politics is more important than him visiting HIS memorial before he draws his last breath.

Sixty eight years later they take the WWII memorial to honor the dead.

Here's an article with an interesting video. I'm sorry if you don't like me posting this here. I see this as more than just a US issue. No wonder the world is out of control today. I don't usually get very sentimental about things but this is one that upset me very much.