[President's Office] - Presentation of Cabinet, Yanisin III

Day 3,183, 01:27 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

Greetings eNorwegians, friends and allies!

Let me first thank you for your support and for your votes to elect Yanisin III Government in eNorway. I was hoping for competition for the CP seat but we can't have everything here in this world and the fact that every other political party in eNorway supported me tells me that they want me as country president and it reminds me of the responsibility I have.

My cabinet will not make big changes to any current law or policy. We will steadily continue to improve eNorway with focus on economy and a better future for her citizens and to keep and improve our good foreign relations with our friends, which we are lucky enough to have many of.

As you can see I have picked one representative from each political party in eNorway as advisor. This is to secure transparency and to ensure they all get information about the governments work and their advise and input is appreciated.

Furthermore we have assistants instead of dedicated vice positions. This is done to allow our assistants to have overview over several departments and to make it easier for ministers to get help if needed. The assistants will hopefully also have a better chance at learning governmental work this way.

eNorwegian Cabinet August 7th - September 6th 2016:

Country President Prime Minister Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Defence Minister of Education Governor Assistants Advisors
West Bergen, Partiet
Furious Tank, Liber8
Joshua Morriseau, Norwegian Green Party
Hans Erik, Teknokratene
Zinitus, Kvakksangerne

My cabinet consists of people willing to do the little extra for eNorway that is needed for our future growth and well being, and they have all proved earlier that they are devoted to the task given.

Don't hesitate to contact one of us. We are all here to serve!
Country President