[Pfeiffer] February Congressional Results/Analysis

Day 2,290, 08:36 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.

Theme music

Congressional Elections

Solid work, USWP.

Turnout this month saw a slight dip in our overall vote percentage, but a slight uptick in our turnout numbers. From 79 to 83%, so I've got no complaints. We held our 13 seats, and once again I am confident in saying that our party boasts the best Congressional delegation in the Top 5. I am of course discounting Oblige bribing sixth party legends like Publius and Pearlswine with seats.

Party line voting still favors the weaker of the Top 5 parties, and I once again ask the wigs to reconsider this mechanic and shift back to regional voting. I'll lose the sleep for the rush sniping gives me, no question.

Members Elected

The Feds again lead with 18 Congressmen.
USWP with our characteristic high turnout producing 13 Congressmen.
AMP falters a bit, down from 10 to 9 Congressmen.
LAP does surprisingly well, garnering 9 Congressmen.
WTP drops to last place, with only 8 Congressmen.

I was a bit surprised to see WTP fall to fifth, given that LAP is the newest and arguably weakest of the Top 5, but with Oblige's blanket offer to Econ Council members for free Congressional seats, I'm not going to complain that we're getting some of those guys back.

Turnout numbers

I'm too lazy to make graphs this month, so I'll just give you the numbers. As always-

Disclaimer: Yes, I understand that these aren't pure turnout numbers, as we have players in 6th parties (or no party) who vote.

USWP - 229/274 = 83.5%
LAP - 160/202 = 79.2%
AMP - 168/226 = 74.3%
Feds - 328/465 = 70.5%
WTP - 151/238 = 63.4%

Personal Thoughts

While overall turnout was up, really look at the election shows us something weird. Feds picked up the most ground, voter wise, and added a seat to their delegation. LAP saw an impressive jump, which I attribute to not being as new, the addition of a PP who is willing to throw around his name and money to court 6th parties and 'foreign' voters and packing his delegation with non-LAP members.

Noted changes: Feds have 'aged up' their delegation, having more older and/or returning players than they did last month. LAP sees four of their nine seats go to Econ Council members who were not LAP members prior to this election. An interesting tactic.

BUT, here's the fun bit. The big winner and the big loser.


Economic Council

With the lack of bench depth in LAP, new member and PP Oblige hands out seats to Econ Council members in what appears to be an attempt to bolster the party reputation for having strong Congressmen. He fails to realize that nobody is going to give him credit for Pearlswine, Publius, Hekter, or Bobby. This makes the Econ Council the big winner, and Oblige wearing the dunce hat.


Despite WTP dropping to fifth and AMP holding third in votes received, the AMP was the only party to not gain a single vote from last month. 120 new votes, and not a single one went to AMP, costing them a seat in Congress and making them this months big loser.

image recap:

My new phone lock screen.

Because I like it.

She knows. Always

As always, if needed, I remain

