[Pak] Hell rains from the heavens

Day 2,480, 10:57 Published in Pakistan China by Pakistan Army

Hello ePakistanis,
ePakistan has finally been able to collect all the funds it needs to rain hell from heaven upon our enemy. After twice proposing the Issue money law without another '0'(which I found hilarious):

Can you believe it? Both times they were supposed to add another '0' at the end but didn't.
But finally someone stepped up, and has done it correctly:

So dear ePakistanis, we would like to congratulate you that you finally have money. With this money we will be able to finally go to war against our enemies! Within 24 hours we will hopefully propose the Donate law and in 24 hours we will have the Airstrike law as well.

Hell is coming.

EDIT: Its a perfectly human mistake to miss a '0' so there is nothing to be worried about. It didn't affect our AS(Except only delay it by 2 days), or our funding. So we're good.

Anyways moving on, 4 days ago we published an article with a contest called 'Burn it all'. We got some response, but not as much as 50,000 currency would have.

We got a total of 3 responses, which are listed below.

Rider of the Pale Horse - http://epakistan.freeforums.org/post93.html#p93

Kusuri Uri - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/burn-it-all-kusuri-uri-2437478/1/20

Not Specified - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-not-specified-burn-it-all-2437314/1/20

There was a points system which I gave in the previous article, so let us give points to each of these people for what they were able to accomplish. The total number of points you could've gotten were 44 and these guys got:

Not Specified - 34
Kusuri Uri - 16(Don't feel bad tho, its mostly because you didn't have a camera)
Rider of the Pale Horse - 29(but since he didn't post the contest in article, he will get 3rd place. I didn't want to disqualify him, so 3rd place is fair.)

So congratulations to these 3 people for winning. Not Specified has won 25,000 cc, Kusuri Uri has won 15,000 cc, meanwhile Rider of the Pale Horse has won 7,500 cc.
Moving on to other news. As we all know we're going for an AS. So we would like to request everyone to save up their energy bars, save up your weapons, save up food, currency, gold, everything. Don't spend it on useless BH hunts, instead use it to hit for Pakistan in the AS battles.

Victory is in your reach, grasp it.

Our enemy is not weak by any means, but neither are we. We are in this to win, but we need the support and fighting of everyone of you. Dissolve your companies to buy bars, spend gold to buy bars, donate cc to the government. Do anything. Everything is great.

If you want to donate cc to the government so we can set CO's and do other stuff with it, please go to this link and buy our offer of WRM for 1000 cc. For every WRM you buy, we will be able to set another 1000 currency as CO.

Now a very exciting news.

I had a few friends in eItaly, who were bored of the game and were looking for a new adventure. They were looking for a new home, and I am proud to announce that the one they've decided to become part of is ours. I would like to welcome the MU Pirates to ePakistan.

This is the link to their MU: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/1699

They are a small, but tightly knit group of people who we will welcome to our country. Alongside that, we will need the Congressmen to accept them into the country, where they will make a new MU. Another path on the way to strengthen the country.

So, welcome to ePakistan.

More MU's are also going to come, hopefully, so keep your passes safe.
Now on to next week.
Next week we will hopefully announce a MU competition. The MU with the highest damage kills will win a 2000 Q7 weapons reward. But that is next week, so wait for the announcement.

In the next 24-48 hours we will propose the AS law, so be prepared.

Government of ePakistan.