[Orion] Exalted Liberator

Day 2,947, 16:40 Published in Canada Canada by Kaminarinote

In happier news, Canada's own Exalted Druid has taken the crucial position within the alliance of Supreme Commander, the MoFA of MoFAs, the military Shahanshah of the whole of Orion! This means that both of the highest positions among our allied cabinet are from our community. Canada continues its tradition of leadership abroad, while at home its president makes excuses for his inability to lead on, ironically, the ones who are leading. It is painfully humorous to see such a blatantly incompetent leader complain that those who are working day and night to keep Canada and its friends free from the wretched grasp of Colin's Visa incompetent. Equally hilarious is his ignorance of the status of the alliance at large. Punisher says we are "going through a rough patch", and we need a "big overhaul". It would appear he is too busy backstabbing his cabinet members to run his country. Being CP is difficult...trust me.

Exalted Druid, as you all may know, led the liberation of Canada long ago against the United States. Against the most organized, and one of the mightiest nations in the game, he refused to back down. He did not shudder, he did not whimper, he did not blame others for the wipe. Instead, Druid rallied the divided parties and formed the spearhead against them. As he did a year ago, Exalted Druid will keep and our friends safe as its supreme commander. This man is truly Canada's greatest soldier...and now he's Orion's topmost soldier. Punisher says we need strong leadership? He should be glad, because that's what it has.

It's a sad state of affairs that our country's cabinet is falling into decay, but never fear: we are reaching out to greener fields and united against a common foe. While Punisher lacks even the capacity to find a translator for his articles, Orion high command is already bringing the finest minds of our alliance together, forming the most talented corps in the game.

Do not fear, Canada, your TRUE leaders are protecting you. Dio protect our blessed alliance o7.

- B.L.