[NHS] August Update

Day 2,469, 05:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Health

Hey everyone, I’d just like to write this article to thank all the donators we’ve had so far this term. We’re doing well but we can always use extra food and money to make sure the scheme has a longer guaranteed future.

What is the NHS?

The NHS is a daily supply of food to new players in the eUK below level 30 based on experience, we work out supplies based on 10 energy per 1 exp up to a maximum of 100 exp (1000 health) If you wish to see the people currently enrolled, you can view the spreadsheet here.

Click the picture above to apply!

Click the picture above to donate! All donations are logged and can be viewed here. If you wish to have your donation to be anonymous please let us know so we edit it. However, your donations will still be logged, just not under any name.

Thanks for Reading!
-FightAndProduce (NHS Director)