[NGP] Congress Platform

Day 2,530, 00:01 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Hello all! Today it is my pleasure to introduce to you the Norwegian Green Party's slate of candidates for the Congress elections. We have a great team, but even better we have great ideas. I want to show you what we have been doing and what we plan to do this upcoming term.

Congress Tax
Last term the NGP was the only party to propose a motion when we proposed a new discussion to Congress. A Congress Tax that would tax the gold reward from Congress Members. There are some obvious reasons for this the number one being a new source of income for the state but that was not the main motive behind this. The biggest reason this was introduced was to make sure Congress was working for the people who elected them, the citizens of Norway.

We believe the best way to hold Congress Members accountable and to make them more active is to get them more involved and realize it is not all about the gold. Last term the NGP kicked it off by 7 of our 9 Congress Members donating 100% of our rewards but this term it will look a little more like this.

Division 1 & 2: 1gold
Division 3 & 4: 2.5gold

Norwegian Community Awards
This term the NGP hopes to create a new community event within Norway. We have been discussing within our party to create what has been dubbed thus far something like the "Norwegian Oscars" to give recognition and credit to many of our outstanding citizens. We are still working out the details but to give you more insight we wish to have certain categories such as Best Newcomer, Best Article etc just to name a couple. Once we have all of the categories we wish to open it to the public where anyone in Norway is free to nominate the people for the categories. From there we will take all of the nominations and put it to either a public voting or a panel possibly to pick the winners.

We were thinking we could do this perhaps twice a year and hand out prizes for the winners and hopefully get awards banners/medals made for the winners of each category.

Congress Members
Joshua Morriseau
Red Beard the Scotsman
Dranze R
Tangerine Dream

Go Green Today!
The NGP has worked hard this past year to build the Green Movement and we show no signs of slowing down any time soon. I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join the biggest political movement in Norway today! Whether you have a party or not the NGP is a place for everybody. If you like to be apart of an active group of people and value the principles of Transparency, Truthfulness and Accountability then search no further, go Green today!

IRC and Forums
If you haven't yet please register at Norway's National Forums. Once there if you are already a member of the NGP you can apply for access to the NGP forums. If you are having troubles applying please contact me and I will point you in the right direction.

As well please join Norway at #eNorway @Rizon or #eNorge @quakenet for a chat no matter where your from!

NGP Trivia and Facts
-The NGP has released more party articles which included updates, debates, law proposals and statements on all things politics than all the other party's combined since we were founded.
-The NGP is the only party to have its own Charter of Values and Principles.
-The NGP has elected three Presidents for a total of five terms!
-When the NGP was founded it went from just three members to thirteen members over its first night!

Make the switch to Green today.

As always don't forget to V,S&S!

Friendly Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
Norwegian Green Party President
Supreme Commander of Asgard
Minister of Public Relations
Congress Member