[Mongress] Yer MPs (possibly) march to war

Day 3,879, 12:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Good afternoon gents o/,

Only one main topic to report on this week really; a particular favourite pastime of Mongress (occasionally pointed outwards): wanting a good fight.

As I doubt the contents are particularly sensitive given the inconclusive nature of the debate, plus the optimistic disinterest of beloved foreigners reading this article, I have published a number of 'eSpeeches' given to the House.

Apologies if I left your own monologue out - enthusiastic MPs are encouraged to elaborate their position ere for want of discussion and/or entertainment.

Appleby o7

"In reality, the choice is never as simple as 'Pro War' vs 'Anti War'.

In our virtual World, where the Real Life issues and consequences of war do not exist, mounting military campaigns are an obvious way of stimulating activity and fun in a synthetic environment where life can become somewhat repetitive.

However, mounting wars requires a huge amount of skill and coordination before hitting to 'GO' button if any form of successful outcome is to be achieved; for the eUK - which stands as a middle rank nation with limited military force and resources - liaison and cooperation with other Alliances/Nations is essential if any kind of favorable outcome is to be achieved.

The 'Just Press the Button for the LOLZ' approach is almost inevitably doomed to failure; the recent Pirate Cats eUK Coup is an excellent example of a poorly thought out example of domestic warfare which was only ever going to end one way and provided very limited entertainment value whilst damaging the credibility of those who instigated it.

One of the things that keeps me coming back to this strangely compelling game year after year is it's complexity and the fine balances between all of the systems that lie beneath. War is a key component within this ecosystem and it is essential that we get regular access to military action to stretch and grow - but must *NEVER* be executed in a brainless and unplanned manner.

I will always give my vote in the Country Presidential elections to the candidate who I believe is best placed to deliver an intelligent and well thought out term which will always include working closely with other countries to coordinate military action.

Sadly, by answering with an over simplistic three word answer to the Pro-War question, AMD lost the support of myself and the UKRP - who will now be proceeding with a 'Free Vote' ticket.

Just goes to show how narrow the line between success and failure in here is...

"If a war would benefit the general citizenry, and not just the plastic-benders, and it would not put us at high risk of being wiped, then by all means, go for it. I just hate to see a few people cornering the medals by getting so many thousands of points, the majority of our citizens don't have a chance. Then we wonder why people quit playing.... Unfortunately, I don't think the game mechanics allow for a "low level players only" battle."


Ok then, *rant mode: ON*.

Yes, this POS is finely tuned boredom, plastic players blah blah blah, scary wipe, something medals, not fair! To be completely honest I came here because Canada is boring as f. Don't get me wrong, I love my mates and would do anything for them, pluse the rental deal with RoSe is sweet. But I want some reckless abandon. UK is ripe.

Now I don't wish any ill to befall you good people and real war can be messy. Seriously, admin has made a game where only one of two scenerios can happen, same ol' same ol' or war. They prefer war as it nets them bigger profits. SHOCKING NEWS! Our "free" mass player game exists for those who buy crap! So get over it. The last truly exciting time for me was when Canada kicked the US out.

What we need to decide here is whether we can fund the war properly or not. If MUs are properly stocked, allies are prepaired to help, mercs are lined up, COs available in sufficient quantity and we have a CP with balls then even if efforts fail we will still succeed. Even a wipe is positive if we give a good showing. Look at the US. Embarrassing. Impossible to wipe they said. Can't keep 'em down they said. The eWorld got tired of their shit. How many months now?

Those in the know, spit out some info. Educate us on where we are at. Bean counters mount your calculators. Give me facts and figures so we can have a proper discussion. I don't know everything but I know how to ask those that do.

Do or do not! There is no try."


"All this seems very familiar - we’ve been here before. There’s a growing clamour for a war because people claim they are bored, we then engage in a war which people invariable don’t contribute to and then those same people proceed to complain because we’ve lost.

I would agree entirely with the position certacito has outlined and state that I would love to be fighting hard in important battles in major wars just as much as the next person - but that isn’t going to be achieved until such times or indeed if there is ever a reshuffle of Alliances and I don’t think us doing something silly just for a laugh is going to achieve that."

-Paul Tyndale

"I've seen what it's like trying to "arrange" something with our allies back when we were in Orion, and if that's what we're waiting for, we may as well give up now. Too many of them have 0% risk tolerance and will not back a war against countries where the outcome is clear before starting. Unfortunately the countries that pass that criteria already belong to someone else with whom we don't want to mess with. The only way I see us participating in a real war with allies is in case the big boys decide to cause some waves (like wiping the USA recently) and their usual friends are too busy with something else, so we get up picked up as last minute back up plan. Lots of waiting for something that may not happen, though.

If we do go without allies' approval, the threat of a wipe is real, but I'd rather have that than wait eternally for something to be done with assurances that the people at the top are looking into viable targets. As far as the "brainless idiot" part goes, the people thinking so are the ones responsible for turning this game into TW farmville so they could hoard gold, killing he game off through stagnation in the process. Their opinion on what makes an idiot doesn't concern me."


"Alfa is rich, doesn't mean he's keen on spending it."

"He is keening spending it, you've just got to find the campaign."
-Atilla the Wayne