[MOIA] Retention Program- The Manna from Heaven

Day 1,407, 07:27 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

This is not an update about the retention program but this article is for the people for whom the program is being designed. I am writing this article to explain in details about the Retention Program for the new players for whom the program has been started in the first place.

It is said that when the Jews started their 40 years rigorous march to Israel to escape from Egyptian slavery under Moses, they prayed to God and every night there used to be a shower of manna from heaven, which sustained them during their long and harsh journey. Just like the Jews of the scriptures, every new player who joins this game prays and hopes for some kind of assistance that helps them to grow during their initial days.
And the answer to all their prayers is summed up in two words- Retention Program.


After that entire epilogue, the question that creeps into one’s mind is “What is this Retention Program?”

The main objective of the program is to retain and help the new players grow in their initial days through free food and able advice from senior players. It is absolutely critical for the growth of a new player, the kind of assistance he receives during the initial days. And to help the players in that endeavor the Retention Program has been launched in association with the Government of Eindia.

The Retention Program aims to aid the new players through the following methods:

1) Daily dispatch of 300 free food to all new players who are inducted into the program
2) Launch and operation of an exclusive chat channel on IRC for the newbies to chat with the senior players in the game.
3) By interacting with the senior players in #indiarising, the new players have higher chance of getting a mentor who will guide and help them outside the Retention Program.

For getting all these helps the newbies have to fulfill a few requirements:
The new player should not bring multies into the program. If found to be breaking this rule the player would be banned from the program and also be blacklisted in IRC
• The new players have to respond to the messages sent to them by the members of the Retention Team. If they don’t within a specific period then they will be considered as Inactive and hence taken out from the Retention Program.

The program aims to help the new players in as many ways as possible. And hence it tries to go beyond the above mentioned goodies for the new players. For instance, currently the program is going to launch a competition for new players with incentives over and above the daily ration to be sent to them. This competition is being launched with the exclusive sponsorship of Sir Dharma Vardhan of RED OM. This is just an example of how players beyond the Indian Government are willing to contribute to the program.

This program is completely apolitical and will help new players irrespective of their Party Membership, Military Unit Membership or their political beliefs. No new players will be advised or pressurized to follow any specific political party or ideology by any member of the Retention Team. If any newbie has faced or are to face any such advances from any members of the Retention Team, please report to me and I will take the necessary actions.

We hope to continue this program under successive EIndian Governments as this is vital to the future of EIndia.

Now let me introduce the Retention Team. Each of these members are stars who are going to brighten the future of EIndia. The Retention Team is broadly divided into three sub-teams which are as follows:

TEAM 1: This team’s main task is to add the name of the new players to the Retention Program. They check a new player’s credibility in terms of not being a multie or a PTO threat and if found worthy they add the new player to the Retention Program. The members are:


TEAM 2(Messaging): This team follows up from Team 1 and contacts the new players added by Team 1. They send an introductory message to all new players added. The important point to note here is that the players must respond to this message sent by the team as it helps them distinguish between active and inactive players. This is very important for the newbies and they must abide by this rule to get into the Retention Program. The members are


TEAM 2(Dispatching): This team is the Santa Claus of the Retention Program. They identify the active players from the list provided by the Messaging team and start dispatching daily supply of 300 free foods to each new player. The newbie receiving the free food must reply back to the dispatcher confirming that they have received the food or not. This helps the Dispatch team to understand whether the player has stayed active or has gone inactive. Hence any newbie who doesn’t reply to the dispatcher’s message will be considered inactive after a specific period and will be removed from the Dispatch List. The Members are:


TEAM 3: This team is responsible for the general development of the newbies by coming out with quality articles about strategy and guides helpful to the newbies. The Team Members are:

Shakti Rocks

New members can find a really helpful guide in the following link:


Honorary Member: Dharmavardhan & Nea Milosu

Any new member of Eindia please feels free to get in touch with them if you have any queries or clarifications.
This program is for the future of Eindia; for its future leaders and tanks who will lead Eindia to its glory and rightful place among leaders in the world order.

As King Leonidas of Sparta said before leading his 300 heroes to the battle of Persepolis:
“Tell Them That
We Gave our Today
So They Can Live Their Tomorrow”

Each of the Retention team members are a hero who contribute a valuable part of their time daily for the betterment of their new countrymen. Hats off to them!!!

So my fellow EIndians, what are you waiting for? This is a unique opportunity where we help you without asking you to join anything or follow anybody in return. Enroll in the Retention program today for your bright future and a bright future of Eindia

Jai Hind
Minster Of Internal Affairs
Moderator of Retention Team