[MOIA]- A New Day

Day 1,420, 12:02 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

A new term has begun under a new President Prabal and I am greatly honored to be asked to continue as the Minister Of Internal Affairs for Eindia. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce some new members of the Ministry as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. Request you all to join me in welcoming these three new members:

1. Ichig0
2. Ishabad
3. The Atma

All of them are vibrant, new, young members of Eindia who are willing to contribute for the growth of the country beyond their call of duty. Anybody who wants to get in touch with the Ministry for any requirement can feel free to contact any of us.

As for Eindia, it had been a very positive and productive month under the able leadership of our outgoing President, Maverick 10 Dodge Knight. I would like to take this opportunity to express my immense gratitude to him and his outgoing Ministers for their extraordinary work. A brief note on some important developments of the last month.

The Retention Program is surging ahead on full steam and we are very close to achieving our initial target of mentoring 20 new and active players. Some more announcements about Retention Team are given later in the article.

In the absence of any real wars, we had successful Training Wars and Region Swap with our allies. We had a very successful Training War with Indonesia, which gave us the vital Natural Enemy bonus in absence of Real Wars. Currently we are going through a Region Swap with our ally China.

During this time of relative calm, we joined our forces with our long-term allies China, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and other pro-EDEN and TERRA countries that helped us enhance our reputations among allies even further. For all our newer members please follow order issued by the President and your respective MU s to get a clear idea about your places to fight. I would like to congratulate here the outgoing MoFA Commius and his deputy Octavius Dryst on their amazing work.

On the Entertainment and Recreation front, I am very excited about the ongoing EIPL and EF1 Championships. A lot of accolades to Shaz007azad, DonMogul and Nagaprathyush for successfully coordinating these wonderful competitions. I would like to see more participations from Eindins in these unique championships in future and will have a discussion with the coordinators on ways to broad-base the future participations in these competitions.

Now about the times ahead.

The Retention Team will continue to do their amazing work and achieve new heights for the program and the country. This is very important for the growth of Eindia and the dedication shown by this team of players towards the cause deserves a round of applause from every Eindian.

The Region Swap with China is coming to a successful conclusion and very soon we, on our part from the Government, will put our heads together in launching a new Natural Enemy Campaign. In absence of a boundary with our only plausible enemy, Epakistan it is most probably going to be a Training War or Region Swap with one of our allies.

All Eindians should take these opportunities to increase their strengths through these Training Wars and prepare themselves for a Real war, which will definitely come sometime in the future, and our Tanks should fight with our allies to enhance our reputation even more.

Our new Minister of Defense, Bharthi Mohan has some exciting ideas about a National Military Unit and some other areas of defense. I am eagerly looking forward to their implementations.

Our new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sir Valero Vulcrum has already started renewing MPPs with our important allies and negotiating MPPs with new countries.

I would like to mention over here that, all new and active Eindians should look to enroll themselves as Ambassadors under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get a taste of government workings which will prepare them for more important Government positions in future.

Our new Minister of Finance, Sharry also has some exciting plans to make the economic conditions better in the country.

Our new MoMC, Maniu is working very hard to get the fledgling media in eIndia up and running. A daunting task no doubt and i urge all eindians to contribute to his efforts.

I feel exciting times are ahead for Eindia and I would like all of you to embark on this journey with us. Its these journeys which makes this game worthwhile and exciting and makes us play for hours beyond the few minutes required to click for work and training. So join us and have the time of your life. Come to IRC regularly and interact with the Government people, ask them questions and help them with new ideas on #eIndia.

Some Updates about Retention Program:

I would like to take this opportunity to make some announcements about the Retention Team.
I am pleased to announce that I am passing on the mantle of “Moderator of Retention Team” to the able hands of Hemanathankumar.

Hemanathankumar is one of the pioneering members of the team and one of the most contributing and active participants. Am confident that he will take the Program to new highs and continue to coordinate with the team efficiently and effectively. I will continue to work in the team as a member and hope to make impeccable value additions in future.

I would like to mention over here that, I will continue as one of last duties as the “Moderator” to evaluate and run this phase of the ongoing Retention Team competition. I would like the other members to forgive me for the delay in this leg of the competition, which is partly due to my laziness and partly due to my RL engagements, but I promise to complete the current leg as soon as possible and hand out the prizes to the deserving winners. I hope that my successor will make this competition more efficient and delightful.

So my friend, a new dawn is upon us. Let us all make it the beginning of a bright and wonderful day. As Captain Jack Sparrow would have said,
“ Bring Me the Horizon, Mates”.

Jai Hind

Minister Of Internal Affairs