[MoHA] Our Survey Says....

Day 859, 08:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe. We need your votes!
http://i50.tinypic.com/14il8k4.png" width="600" height="175">

OUR SURVEY SAYS (Hover over)

Here at MoHA, we’re always trying to think of ways to keep eUK citizens informed and as knowledgeable as possible. During the last week, we have tried a slightly different approach and have been compiling a survey. We messaged 700 players at level 10 and below and asked them to fill in a short survey about their early experiences in-game. Our findings and advice for people in similar situations can be found below.

Biggest problems/issues during first few weeks
OK. So we know that there’s not that much to do in the early days of playing the game. You don’t know what to do, you don’t know anybody and Plato seems to give you no useful advice after the first day.

Fear not. There are many things that you can be doing. Also, when V2 is released, there will be more to do each day in game. For now though, let me explain some of the things you can do to enhance your experience.

Join the eUK Forums. This is where the real community side of eUK life is. Here you will meet people, find answers to all your questions, military forums, political forums, the House of Commons, the merchants market (where you can find cheaper products than in-game), government ministries, entertainment and much, much more. You can ask questions and be sure to receive a quick response. If you want to get involved in government, the military or politics, you really need to be on the forums. There is a wealth of information on there.

Join the military. This is another way to get involved in the game and to meet people. The eUK navy is well known for having a friendly and welcoming community. If you’re new, you’ll also be better off as navy recruits get issued with weapons and tickets to fight in battles. They also help with wellness.

You should also be looking through the media, subscribing to good newspapers (more on this later) and finding out more. It’s worth sending friend requests to experienced players, the prime minister, cabinet ministers, military leaders, lords, etc. You’ll then be able to see their shouts which will also help you keep up to date on what’s happening.

Another common response was about wellness. Some people struggle to keep it high. Those new players who hadn’t healed to maximum wellness or who were unfortunate enough to have been born prior to the hospital rule change and were yet to achieve high wellness have particularly been affected. Read this recent MoHA article for further information. To calculate what combination of food, working and housing is best for you, it’s easiest to refer to a Wellness Calculator.

In your early stages of the game, you should have been messaged by a mentor, who will have offered you advice. Feel free to ask them any questions – that’s what they’re there for! And remember to look at the tutorial on the eUK Wiki. We have a team working to keep this as up to date as possible and it’s a useful resource that is often overlooked by players.

OUR SURVEY SAYS (Hover over)

What can be done to improve it?

Most of the responses to this question were asking us to do things that are already in place. Things like providing mentors and publishing guides. Others were asking for money or more proactive gifting. Others made suggestions relating to the mechanics of the game. People want more to do. Hopefully V2 will bring more facets into the game and will help increase it’s appeal. Game mechanics are not something we can influence at a government level unfortunately. These are things that only eRepublik can help with.

With regards to the gifting. There are a lot of people out there with low wellness. It’s impossible to gift them all up proactively, particularly as many will already be inactive. This was tried in the past and had a massive negative effect on our economy. The government has prioritised gifting for military personnel, so the best bet if you have low wellness, is to join up to the military. We will also be looking in more detail at what we can do to help other players out but the best thing to do is to learn how to manage and increase your own wellness. This is important if you want to progress in the game longer term.

OUR SURVEY SAYS (Hover over)

Are you a member of eUK forums?
73% of respondents answered no to this question. Seriously, you really need to sign up. If you don’t get involved on the forums, you’re not going to progress to a high level position in the government, the military or a political party. You’re unlikely to even get into congress. Most experienced players will tell you that they spend much, much more time on the forum than they do in the actual game.

Do you subscribe to the following government newspapers?

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/mod-news-2762/1">MoD Newspaper

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/euk-home-office-news-184299/1">MoHA Newspaper


60% of respondents answered none of the above. So do it now! Subscribing to these papers means that you won’t miss an issue. It doesn’t cost you a penny! If you vote all the articles, they also stand a far greater chance of making the top 5 in the news. This will give them a place on the main page of the game and will make them more visible to other players. Remember when you first started and you knew nothing about the game? That article being there may well make the difference between you learning something and staying in the game, compared with having a look around and quitting out of frustration. Please do your bit. Vote and sub all of the above papers and keep voting for each article in the future.

I will PM all survey participants with a link to this article so that they don’t miss it. Help us to help you – subscribe today!

Do you intend to keep playing the game long term?
Yes – 40%
Not sure – 47%
I’ll wait to see if the game is better in V2 before deciding – 13%
No – 0% (you’re not going to respond to the survey if you’ve decided you don’t want to play)

Not very encouraging figures really. Please follow some of the advice in this article to get more involved. It will improve your experience of the game and hopefully encourage you to stay around.

Are you a member of eUK Military?
http://tinyurl.com/joinmilitary">Join The MilitaryYes – 33%
No – 67%
Not bad, but we can always use more people in the military.

Which career paths interest you in eRepublik?
A good spread of responses here, which shows that there are career paths in the game that interest people. Hopefully this will only get better when the new version is released.

Any other comments

There were a couple of good responses here about making it easier for new players to integrate into the society and get to chat to more experienced players. The irc can be an intimidating place for new players at times and that’s just for the minority who find it. Someone also complained about the lack of activity in the national in-game chatroom. This is an area that may grow over time. Experienced players tend to stick to the irc because it’s more user friendly and offers security, private rooms, etc. We should be looking to maintain a presence in the in-game chatroom anyway so that advice can be offered. This is something that apprentices have been tasked with doing but have generally failed to do as a matter of course.

So those are the results of the survey. I hope this has helped at least some people by directing them to the information they require to get more involved and start to enjoy the other aspects of the game.

If you’ve not looked at this newspaper before, please have a look back through some of the past articles, where you’ll find more info and advice.

Don't forget to check out and subscribe to these government papers to keep up to date with country's goings on:
Ministry of Defence
National Newspaper Association

And remember to get involved on the eUK Forums
Learn about all aspects of the game on the Official eUK Wiki Page
Confused about hospitals and wellness? Read the latest MoHA info

You can now also join up to the new Phoenix forums
http://tinyurl.com/joinmilitary">Join The MilitaryDan Moir
Minister of Home Affairs